On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:21:30PM +0200, Thomas Richter wrote:
> Hi folks,
> >Can you please test with
> >
> >        Option "LinearFramebuffer" "true"?
> >
> >Thanks, Daniel
> Tested again. Yes, indeed, LinearFramebuffer does make a difference.
> Without it, panning to the right causes flicker, with it, moving the
> mouse to the right - panning right (thus scrolling the screen to the
> left) causes no flicker. Scrolling into the other direction always
> causes flicker, no matter what.

Hm, this is something I've completely missed thus far: Does the flicker
only happen when you pan, or also when the image is at a stable postion
(but not aligned to one of the safe boundaries you've identified)?

Thanks, Daniel
Daniel Vetter
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
+41 (0) 79 365 57 48 - http://blog.ffwll.ch
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