From: Tvrtko Ursulin <>

Adds support for per-client engine busyness stats i915 exports in sysfs
and produces output like the below:

intel-gpu-top -  935/ 935 MHz;    0% RC6; 14.73 Watts;     1097 irqs/s

      IMC reads:     1401 MiB/s
     IMC writes:        4 MiB/s

          ENGINE      BUSY                                 MI_SEMA MI_WAIT
     Render/3D/0   63.73% |███████████████████           |      3%      0%
       Blitter/0    9.53% |██▊                           |      6%      0%
         Video/0   39.32% |███████████▊                  |     16%      0%
         Video/1   15.62% |████▋                         |      0%      0%
  VideoEnhance/0    0.00% |                              |      0%      0%

  PID            NAME     RCS          BCS          VCS         VECS
 4084        gem_wsim |█████▌     ||█          ||           ||           |
 4086        gem_wsim |█▌         ||           ||███        ||           |

Apart from the existing physical engine utilization it now also shows
utilization per client and per engine class.

 * Version to match removal of global enable_stats toggle.
 * Plus various fixes.

 * Support brief backward jumps in client stats.

 * Support device selection.

Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <>
 tools/intel_gpu_top.c | 554 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 543 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
index cae01c25b920..a3c69d73100e 100644
--- a/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
+++ b/tools/intel_gpu_top.c
@@ -679,23 +679,362 @@ static void pmu_sample(struct engines *engines)
+enum client_status {
+       FREE = 0, /* mbz */
+       ALIVE,
+       PROBE
+struct clients;
+struct client {
+       struct clients *clients;
+       enum client_status status;
+       unsigned int id;
+       unsigned int pid;
+       char name[128];
+       unsigned int samples;
+       unsigned long total;
+       struct engines *engines;
+       unsigned long *val;
+       uint64_t *last;
+struct engine_class {
+       unsigned int class;
+       const char *name;
+       unsigned int num_engines;
+struct clients {
+       unsigned int num_classes;
+       struct engine_class *class;
+       char sysfs_root[64];
+       unsigned int num_clients;
+       struct client *client;
+#define for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) \
+       for ((tmp) = (clients)->num_clients, c = (clients)->client; \
+            (tmp > 0); (tmp)--, (c)++)
+static struct clients *init_clients(const char *drm_card)
+       struct clients *clients = malloc(sizeof(*clients));
+       const char *slash;
+       ssize_t ret;
+       memset(clients, 0, sizeof(*clients));
+       if (drm_card) {
+               slash = rindex(drm_card, '/');
+               assert(slash);
+       } else {
+               slash = "card0";
+       }
+       ret = snprintf(clients->sysfs_root, sizeof(clients->sysfs_root),
+                      "/sys/class/drm/%s/clients/", slash);
+       assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(clients->sysfs_root));
+       return clients;
+static uint64_t
+read_client_busy(const struct client *client, unsigned int class)
+       char buf[256];
+       ssize_t ret;
+       ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%u/busy/%u",
+                      client->clients->sysfs_root, client->id, class);
+       assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(buf));
+       if (ret <= 0 || ret == sizeof(buf))
+               return 0;
+       return filename_to_u64(buf, 10);
+static struct client *
+find_client(struct clients *clients, enum client_status status, unsigned int 
+       struct client *c;
+       int tmp;
+       for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
+               if ((status == FREE && c->status == FREE) ||
+                   (status == c->status && c->id == id))
+                       return c;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+static void update_client(struct client *c, unsigned int pid, char *name)
+       uint64_t val[c->clients->num_classes];
+       unsigned int i;
+       if (c->pid != pid)
+               c->pid = pid;
+       if (strcmp(c->name, name))
+               strncpy(c->name, name, sizeof(c->name) - 1);
+       for (i = 0; i < c->clients->num_classes; i++)
+               val[i] = read_client_busy(c, c->clients->class[i].class);
+       c->total = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < c->clients->num_classes; i++) {
+               if (val[i] < c->last[i])
+                       continue; /* It will catch up soon. */
+               c->val[i] = val[i] - c->last[i];
+               c->total += c->val[i];
+               c->last[i] = val[i];
+       }
+       c->samples++;
+       c->status = ALIVE;
+static int class_cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
+       const struct engine_class *a = _a;
+       const struct engine_class *b = _b;
+       return a->class - b->class;
+static void scan_classes(struct clients *clients, unsigned int id)
+       struct engine_class *classes;
+       unsigned int num, i;
+       struct dirent *dent;
+       char buf[256];
+       int ret;
+       DIR *d;
+       ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%u/busy", clients->sysfs_root, id);
+       assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(buf));
+       if (ret <= 0 || ret == sizeof(buf))
+               return;
+       d = opendir(buf);
+       if (!d)
+               return;
+       rewinddir(d);
+       num = 0;
+       while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+               if (dent->d_type != DT_REG)
+                       continue;
+               num++;
+       }
+       rewinddir(d);
+       classes = calloc(num, sizeof(*classes));
+       assert(classes);
+       i = 0;
+       while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+               if (i > num) {
+                       free(classes);
+                       goto restart;
+               }
+               if (dent->d_type != DT_REG)
+                       continue;
+               classes[i].class = atoi(dent->d_name);
+               classes[i].name = class_display_name(classes[i].class);
+               i++;
+       }
+       closedir(d);
+       qsort(classes, num, sizeof(*classes), class_cmp);
+       clients->num_classes = num;
+       clients->class = classes;
+static void
+add_client(struct clients *clients, unsigned int id, unsigned int pid,
+          char *name)
+       struct client *c;
+       if (find_client(clients, ALIVE, id))
+               return;
+       c = find_client(clients, FREE, 0);
+       if (!c) {
+               unsigned int idx = clients->num_clients;
+               clients->num_clients += (clients->num_clients + 2) / 2;
+               clients->client = realloc(clients->client,
+                                         clients->num_clients * sizeof(*c));
+               assert(clients->client);
+               c = &clients->client[idx];
+               memset(c, 0, (clients->num_clients - idx) * sizeof(*c));
+       }
+       if (!clients->num_classes)
+               scan_classes(clients, id);
+       c->id = id;
+       c->clients = clients;
+       c->val = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->val));
+       c->last = calloc(clients->num_classes, sizeof(c->last));
+       assert(c->val && c->last);
+       update_client(c, pid, name);
+static void free_client(struct client *c)
+       free(c->val);
+       free(c->last);
+       memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
+static char *
+read_client_sysfs(const char *sysfs_root, unsigned int id, const char *field)
+       char buf[256];
+       ssize_t ret;
+       ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%u/%s", sysfs_root, id, field);
+       assert(ret > 0 && ret < sizeof(buf));
+       if (ret <= 0 || ret == sizeof(buf))
+               return NULL;
+       ret = filename_to_buf(buf, buf, sizeof(buf));
+       if (ret)
+               return NULL; /* Client exited. */
+       return strdup(buf);
+static void scan_clients(struct clients *clients)
+       struct dirent *dent;
+       struct client *c;
+       char *pid, *name;
+       unsigned int id;
+       int tmp;
+       DIR *d;
+       if (!clients)
+               return;
+       for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
+               if (c->status == ALIVE)
+                       c->status = PROBE;
+       }
+       d = opendir(clients->sysfs_root);
+       if (!d)
+               return;
+       while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+               if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR)
+                       continue;
+               if (!isdigit(dent->d_name[0]))
+                       continue;
+               id = atoi(dent->d_name);
+               c = find_client(clients, PROBE, id);
+               name = read_client_sysfs(clients->sysfs_root, id, "name");
+               pid = read_client_sysfs(clients->sysfs_root, id, "pid");
+               if (name && pid) {
+                       if (!c)
+                               add_client(clients, id, atoi(pid), name);
+                       else
+                               update_client(c, atoi(pid), name);
+               } else if (c) {
+                       c->status = PROBE; /* Will be deleted below. */
+               }
+               if (name)
+                       free(name);
+               if (pid)
+                       free(pid);
+       }
+       closedir(d);
+       for_each_client(clients, c, tmp) {
+               if (c->status == PROBE)
+                       free_client(c);
+       }
+static int cmp(const void *_a, const void *_b)
+       const struct client *a = _a;
+       const struct client *b = _b;
+       long tot_a = a->total;
+       long tot_b = b->total;
+       tot_a *= a->status == ALIVE && a->samples > 1;
+       tot_b *= b->status == ALIVE && b->samples > 1;
+       tot_b -= tot_a;
+       if (!tot_b)
+               return (int)b->id - a->id;
+       while (tot_b > INT_MAX || tot_b < INT_MIN)
+               tot_b /= 2;
+       return tot_b;
 static const char *bars[] = { " ", "▏", "▎", "▍", "▌", "▋", "▊", "▉", "█" };
+static void n_spaces(const unsigned int n)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+               putchar(' ');
 static void
 print_percentage_bar(double percent, int max_len)
-       int bar_len = percent * (8 * (max_len - 2)) / 100.0;
-       int i;
+       int bar_len, i, len = max_len - 2;
+       const int w = 8;
+       assert(max_len > 0);
+       bar_len = percent * (w * len) / 100.0;
+       if (bar_len > (len * w))
+               bar_len = len * w;
-       for (i = bar_len; i >= 8; i -= 8)
-               printf("%s", bars[8]);
+       for (i = bar_len; i >= w; i -= w)
+               printf("%s", bars[w]);
        if (i)
                printf("%s", bars[i]);
-       for (i = 0; i < (max_len - 2 - (bar_len + 7) / 8); i++)
-               putchar(' ');
+       len -= (bar_len + (w - 1)) / w;
+       n_spaces(len);
@@ -798,6 +1137,18 @@ json_close_struct(void)
+static void
+__json_add_member(const char *key, const char *val)
+       assert(json_indent_level < ARRAY_SIZE(json_indent));
+       fprintf(out, "%s%s\"%s\": \"%s\"",
+               json_struct_members ? ",\n" : "",
+               json_indent[json_indent_level], key, val);
+       json_struct_members++;
 static unsigned int
 json_add_member(const struct cnt_group *parent, struct cnt_item *item,
                unsigned int headers)
@@ -1098,8 +1449,6 @@ print_header(struct engines *engines, double t,
                memmove(&groups[0], &groups[1],
                        sizeof(groups) - sizeof(groups[0]));
-       pops->open_struct(NULL);
        *consumed = print_groups(groups);
        if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
@@ -1245,7 +1594,7 @@ print_engine(struct engines *engines, unsigned int i, 
double t,
                              engine->display_name, engine_items[0].buf);
                val = pmu_calc(&engine->busy.val, 1e9, t, 100);
-               print_percentage_bar(val, max_w - len);
+               print_percentage_bar(val, max_w > len ? max_w - len : 0);
                printf("%s\n", buf);
@@ -1260,7 +1609,6 @@ print_engines_footer(struct engines *engines, double t,
                     int lines, int con_w, int con_h)
-       pops->close_struct();
        if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
                if (lines++ < con_h)
@@ -1270,6 +1618,147 @@ print_engines_footer(struct engines *engines, double t,
        return lines;
+static int
+print_clients_header(struct clients *clients, int lines,
+                    int con_w, int con_h, int *class_w)
+       int len;
+       if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
+               if (lines++ >= con_h)
+                       return lines;
+               printf("\033[7m");
+               len = printf("%5s%16s", "PID", "NAME");
+               if (lines++ >= con_h || len >= con_w)
+                       return lines;
+               if (clients->num_classes) {
+                       unsigned int i;
+                       int width;
+                       *class_w = width = (con_w - len) / clients->num_classes;
+                       for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
+                               const char *name = clients->class[i].name;
+                               int name_len = strlen(name);
+                               int pad = (width - name_len) / 2;
+                               int spaces = width - pad - name_len;
+                               if (pad < 0 || spaces < 0)
+                                       continue;
+                               n_spaces(pad);
+                               printf("%s", name);
+                               n_spaces(spaces);
+                               len += pad + name_len + spaces;
+                       }
+               }
+               n_spaces(con_w - len);
+               printf("\033[0m\n");
+       } else {
+               if (clients->num_classes)
+                       pops->open_struct("clients");
+       }
+       return lines;
+static void count_engines(struct clients *clients, struct engines *engines)
+       unsigned int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < engines->num_engines; i++) {
+               struct engine *engine = engine_ptr(engines, i);
+               clients->class[engine->class].num_engines++;
+       }
+static int
+print_client(struct client *c, struct engines *engines, double t, int lines,
+            int con_w, int con_h, unsigned int period_us, int *class_w)
+       struct clients *clients = c->clients;
+       unsigned int i;
+       if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
+               printf("%5u%16s ", c->pid, c->name);
+               for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
+                       double pct;
+                       if (!clients->class[i].num_engines)
+                               count_engines(clients, engines);
+                       pct = (double)c->val[i] / period_us / 1e3 * 100 /
+                             clients->class[i].num_engines;
+                       /*
+                        * Guard against possible time-drift between sampling
+                        * client data and time we obtained our time-delta from
+                        * PMU.
+                        */
+                       if (pct > 100.0)
+                               pct = 100.0;
+                       print_percentage_bar(pct, *class_w);
+               }
+               putchar('\n');
+       } else if (output_mode == JSON) {
+               char buf[64];
+               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", c->id);
+               pops->open_struct(buf);
+               __json_add_member("name", c->name);
+               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", c->pid);
+               __json_add_member("pid", buf);
+               pops->open_struct("engine-classes");
+               for (i = 0; i < clients->num_classes; i++) {
+                       double pct;
+                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s",
+                                clients->class[i].name);
+                       pops->open_struct(buf);
+                       pct = (double)c->val[i] / period_us / 1e3 * 100;
+                       snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", pct);
+                       __json_add_member("busy", buf);
+                       __json_add_member("unit", "%");
+                       pops->close_struct();
+               }
+               pops->close_struct();
+               pops->close_struct();
+       }
+       return lines;
+static int
+print_clients_footer(struct clients *clients, double t,
+                    int lines, int con_w, int con_h)
+       if (output_mode == INTERACTIVE) {
+               if (lines++ < con_h)
+                       printf("\n");
+       } else {
+               if (clients->num_classes)
+                       pops->close_struct();
+       }
+       return lines;
 static bool stop_top;
 static void sigint_handler(int  sig)
@@ -1307,6 +1796,7 @@ static char *tr_pmu_name(struct igt_device_card *card)
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
        unsigned int period_us = DEFAULT_PERIOD_MS * 1000;
+       struct clients *clients = NULL;
        int con_w = -1, con_h = -1;
        char *output_path = NULL;
        struct engines *engines;
@@ -1429,12 +1919,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
        ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+       clients = init_clients(card.pci_slot_name[0] ? card.card : NULL);
+       scan_clients(clients);
        while (!stop_top) {
                bool consumed = false;
-               int lines = 0;
+               int j, lines = 0;
                struct winsize ws;
+               struct client *c;
                double t;
                /* Update terminal size. */
@@ -1448,10 +1942,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                t = (double)(engines->ts.cur - engines->ts.prev) / 1e9;
+               scan_clients(clients);
+               if (clients) {
+                       qsort(clients->client, clients->num_clients,
+                             sizeof(*clients->client), cmp);
+               }
                if (stop_top)
                while (!consumed) {
+                       pops->open_struct(NULL);
                        lines = print_header(engines, t, lines, con_w, con_h,
@@ -1470,6 +1972,36 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
                        lines = print_engines_footer(engines, t, lines, con_w,
+                       if (clients) {
+                               int class_w;
+                               lines = print_clients_header(clients, lines,
+                                                            con_w, con_h,
+                                                            &class_w);
+                               for_each_client(clients, c, j) {
+                                       if (lines++ > con_h)
+                                               break;
+                                       assert(c->status != PROBE);
+                                       if (c->status != ALIVE)
+                                               break;
+                                       if (c->samples < 2)
+                                               continue;
+                                       lines = print_client(c, engines, t,
+                                                            lines, con_w,
+                                                            con_h, period_us,
+                                                            &class_w);
+                               }
+                               lines = print_clients_footer(clients, t, lines,
+                                                            con_w, con_h);
+                       }
+                       pops->close_struct();
                if (stop_top)

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