On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 09:31:15AM -0700, Ben Widawsky wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 09:18:34AM -0700, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> > On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:19:07 +0100
> > Damien Lespiau <damien.lesp...@intel.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > This will allow us to explicitely blacklist tests we don't want to run
> > > on simulation.
> I agree with Jesse on this. Mostly what I've wanted is an "opt-in"
> approach as opposed to an "opt-out" one. Such a thing is better
> controlled via a Makefile target, or separate script.

Well, for this one I'd like a slightly different approach. Actually have
a drmtest structure with metadata about the test. Something like:

#define DECLARE_SUBTEST(n, func, d)    \
       {                               \
               .name = n,              \
               .run = func,            \
               .data = d,              \

enum drmtest_category {
       TEST_DISPLAY    = (1 << 0),
       TEST_GT         = (1 << 1),
       TEST_CONTEXT     = (1 << 2),
       TEST_GEM        = (1 << 3),
       TEST_TORTURE    = (1 << 31),

struct drm_subtest {
       const char *name;
       int (*run)(struct drm_test *test);
       void *data;

struct drm_test {
       const char *name;
       int fd;
       enum drmtest_category categories;
       int subtests_nr;
       struct drm_subtest *subtests;

and in the test:

struct drm_subtest subtests[] = {
       DECLARE_SUBTEST("bad-close", test_bad_close, &test_data),
       DECLARE_SUBTEST("create-close", test_create_close, &test_data),
       DECLARE_SUBTEST("create-fd-close", test_create_fd_close, &test_data),

struct drm_test test = {
       .name = "gem-basic",
       .subtests = subtests,
       .subtests_nr = ARRAY_SIZE(subtests),

(better macros possible)

       drmtest_init(&test, argc, argv);

That'll allow you to do things like "please run all the context tests" for

But well, still quite far away, and it maybe quite hard/time consuming to
convert some tests to that.

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