Randomly submit a paired spinner and its cancellation as a bonded
(submit fence) pair. Apply congestion to the engine with more bonded
pairs to see if the execution order fails. If we prevent a cancellation
from running, then the spinner will remain spinning forever.

v2: Test both immediate submission and fenced submission

Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <ch...@chris-wilson.co.uk>
Cc: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursu...@intel.com>
 tests/i915/gem_exec_balancer.c | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 172 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/i915/gem_exec_balancer.c b/tests/i915/gem_exec_balancer.c
index 80ae82416..04b14dd3a 100644
--- a/tests/i915/gem_exec_balancer.c
+++ b/tests/i915/gem_exec_balancer.c
@@ -1154,6 +1154,175 @@ static void bonded_semaphore(int i915)
        gem_context_destroy(i915, ctx);
+static void __bonded_dual(int i915,
+                         const struct i915_engine_class_instance *siblings,
+                         unsigned int count,
+                         unsigned int flags,
+                         unsigned long *out)
+#define BD_FENCE 0x1
+#define BD_HOSTILE 0x2
+#define BD_MANY 0x4
+       struct drm_i915_gem_exec_object2 batch = {};
+       struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer2 execbuf = {
+               .buffers_ptr = to_user_pointer(&batch),
+               .buffer_count = 1,
+       };
+       unsigned long cycles = 0;
+       unsigned int spinner;
+       igt_spin_t *a, *b;
+       int timeline;
+       uint32_t A, B;
+       srandom(getpid());
+       spinner = IGT_SPIN_POLL_RUN;
+       if (flags & BD_HOSTILE)
+               spinner |= IGT_SPIN_NO_PREEMPTION;
+       A = gem_context_create(i915);
+       set_load_balancer(i915, A, siblings, count, NULL);
+       a = igt_spin_new(i915, A, .flags = spinner);
+       igt_spin_end(a);
+       gem_sync(i915, a->handle);
+       B = gem_context_create(i915);
+       set_load_balancer(i915, B, siblings, count, NULL);
+       b = igt_spin_new(i915, B, .flags = spinner);
+       igt_spin_end(b);
+       gem_sync(i915, b->handle);
+       timeline = sw_sync_timeline_create();
+       igt_until_timeout(2) {
+               unsigned int master;
+               int fence;
+               master = 1;
+               if (flags & BD_MANY)
+                       master = rand() % count + 1;
+               fence = -1;
+               if (flags & BD_FENCE)
+                       fence = sw_sync_timeline_create_fence(timeline,
+                                                             cycles + 1);
+               igt_spin_reset(a);
+               a->execbuf.flags = master | I915_EXEC_FENCE_OUT;
+               if (fence != -1) {
+                       a->execbuf.rsvd2 = fence;
+                       a->execbuf.flags |= I915_EXEC_FENCE_IN;
+               }
+               gem_execbuf_wr(i915, &a->execbuf);
+               igt_spin_reset(b);
+               b->execbuf.flags = master | I915_EXEC_FENCE_OUT;
+               if (fence != -1) {
+                       b->execbuf.rsvd2 = fence;
+                       b->execbuf.flags |= I915_EXEC_FENCE_IN;
+               }
+               gem_execbuf_wr(i915, &b->execbuf);
+               if (rand() % 1)
+                       igt_swap(a, b);
+               batch.handle = create_semaphore_to_spinner(i915, a);
+               execbuf.rsvd1 = a->execbuf.rsvd1;
+               execbuf.rsvd2 = a->execbuf.rsvd2 >> 32;
+               do {
+                       execbuf.flags = rand() % count + 1;
+               } while (execbuf.flags == master);
+               execbuf.flags |= I915_EXEC_FENCE_SUBMIT;
+               gem_execbuf(i915, &execbuf);
+               gem_close(i915, batch.handle);
+               batch.handle = create_semaphore_to_spinner(i915, b);
+               execbuf.rsvd1 = b->execbuf.rsvd1;
+               execbuf.rsvd2 = b->execbuf.rsvd2 >> 32;
+               do {
+                       execbuf.flags = rand() % count + 1;
+               } while (execbuf.flags == master);
+               execbuf.flags |= I915_EXEC_FENCE_SUBMIT;
+               gem_execbuf(i915, &execbuf);
+               gem_close(i915, batch.handle);
+               if (fence != -1) {
+                       sw_sync_timeline_inc(timeline, 1);
+                       close(fence);
+               }
+               close(a->execbuf.rsvd2 >> 32);
+               close(b->execbuf.rsvd2 >> 32);
+               gem_sync(i915, a->handle);
+               gem_sync(i915, b->handle);
+               cycles++;
+       }
+       *out = cycles;
+       close(timeline);
+       igt_spin_free(i915, a);
+       igt_spin_free(i915, b);
+       gem_context_destroy(i915, A);
+       gem_context_destroy(i915, B);
+static void bonded_dual(int i915)
+       unsigned long *cycles;
+       /*
+        * The purpose of bonded submission is to execute one or more requests
+        * concurrently. However, the very nature of that requires coordinated
+        * submission across multiple engines.
+        */
+       igt_require(gem_scheduler_has_preemption(i915));
+       cycles = mmap(0, 4096, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0);
+       for (int class = 1; class < 32; class++) {
+               struct i915_engine_class_instance *siblings;
+               unsigned int count;
+               siblings = list_engines(i915, 1u << class, &count);
+               if (count > 1) {
+                       const unsigned int phases[] = {
+                               0,
+                               BD_FENCE,
+                               BD_MANY,
+                               BD_HOSTILE,
+                               BD_HOSTILE | BD_FENCE,
+                       };
+                       for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(phases); i++) {
+                               memset(cycles, 0, 4096);
+                               igt_fork(child, count + 1)
+                                       __bonded_dual(i915,
+                                                     siblings, count,
+                                                     phases[i],
+                                                     &cycles[child]);
+                               igt_waitchildren();
+                               gem_quiescent_gpu(i915);
+                               for (int child = 1; child < count + 1; child++)
+                                       cycles[0] += cycles[child];
+                               igt_info("%s %s %s submission, %lu cycles\n",
+                                        phases[i] & BD_HOSTILE ? 
"Non-preemptible" : "Preemptible",
+                                        phases[i] & BD_MANY ? "many-master" : 
+                                        phases[i] & BD_FENCE ? "fenced" : 
+                                        cycles[0]);
+                       }
+               }
+               free(siblings);
+       }
+       munmap(cycles, 4096);
 static void __bonded_nohang(int i915, uint32_t ctx,
                            const struct i915_engine_class_instance *siblings,
                            unsigned int count,
@@ -2284,6 +2453,9 @@ igt_main
+       igt_subtest("bonded-dual")
+               bonded_dual(i915);
        igt_fixture {

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