Failed on parsing the trace log:
    Died at ./ line 296.


On 1/17/2020 10:49 AM, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
From: Tvrtko Ursulin <>


Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <>
Cc: Tony Ye <>
Tony could you please check if this works for you and even send me some
raw trace files you might have so I see how it looks?

I don't yet guarantee the results are 100% reliable and truthful. Or that
it won't crash.
  scripts/ | 283 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
  1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 77587f24197a..8cad7e6ef65b 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ my $cid = 0;
  my %queues;
  my @freqs;
-use constant VENG => '255:254';
+use constant VENG => '65534:65534';
my $max_requests = 1000;
  my $width_us = 32000;
-my $correct_durations = 0;
  my %ignore_ring;
  my %skip_box;
  my $html = 0;
@@ -224,18 +223,6 @@ sub arg_zoom_width
        return @_;
-sub arg_split_requests
-       return unless scalar(@_);
-       if ($_[0] eq '--split-requests' or $_[0] eq '-s') {
-               shift @_;
-               $correct_durations = 1;
-       }
-       return @_;
  sub arg_ignore_ring
        my $val;
@@ -299,7 +286,6 @@ while (@args) {
        @args = arg_trace(@args);
        @args = arg_max_requests(@args);
        @args = arg_zoom_width(@args);
-       @args = arg_split_requests(@args);
        @args = arg_ignore_ring(@args);
        @args = arg_skip_box(@args);
        @args = arg_colour_contexts(@args);
@@ -340,7 +326,79 @@ sub is_veng
        my ($class, $instance) = split ':', shift;
- return $instance eq '254';
+       return 1 if $instance eq '254' or $instance eq '65534';
+my (%port_keys, %port_times);
+sub port_in
+       my ($ring, $port, $key, $time) = @_;
+       my ($port_key, $port_time);
+       my @slices;
+       $db{$key}->{'slices'} = \@slices
+                               unless exists $db{$key}->{'slices'};
+       $db{$key}->{'in'}++;
+       unless (exists $port_keys{$ring}) {
+               my (@keys, @times);
+               $port_keys{$ring} = \@keys;
+               $port_times{$ring} = \@times;
+       }
+       $port_key = $port_keys{$ring};
+       $port_time = $port_times{$ring};
+       unless (defined $port_key->[$port] and $port_key->[$port] eq $key) {
+               $port_key->[$port] = $key;
+               $port_time->[$port] = $time;
+       }
+sub port_out
+       my ($ring, $key, $time) = @_;
+       my ($port_key, $port_time);
+       my $port;
+       die unless $db{$key}->{'in'};
+       $db{$key}->{'in'}--;
+       $port_key = $port_keys{$ring};
+       $port_time = $port_times{$ring};
+       for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$port_key}); $i++) {
+               next unless defined $port_key->[$i];
+               if ($port_key->[$i] eq $key) {
+                       $port = $i;
+                       last;
+               }
+       }
+       return unless defined $port;
+       if ($port == 0) {
+               my $s = $db{$key}->{'slices'};
+               my $next;
+               push @{$s}, [$port_time->[$port], $time];
+               $next = $port + 1;
+               if (defined $port_key->[$next]) {
+                       $port_time->[$next] = $time;
+                       shift @{$port_key};
+                       shift @{$port_time};
+               }
+       }
+       if ($db{$key}->{'in'} == 0) {
+               $port_key->[$port] = undef;
+               $port_time->[$port] = undef;
+       }
# Main input loop - parse lines and build the internal representation of the
@@ -368,7 +426,6 @@ while (<>) {
next unless $f =~ m/=/;
                ($k, $v) = ($`, $');
-               $k = 'global' if $k eq 'global_seqno';
                chop $v if substr($v, -1, 1) eq ',';
                $tp{$k} = $v;
@@ -433,76 +490,89 @@ while (<>) {
        } elsif ($tp_name eq 'i915:i915_request_submit:') {
                die if exists $submit{$key};
-               die unless exists $queue{$key};
+               unless (exists $queue{$key}) { # i915 internal
+                       $queue{$key} = $time;
+                       $ctxdb{$orig_ctx} = 1;
+               }
                die if $ring eq VENG and not exists $queues{$ctx};
$submit{$key} = $time;
        } elsif ($tp_name eq 'i915:i915_request_in:') {
+               my $port = $tp{'port'};
                my ($q, $s);
                my %req;
- # preemption
-               delete $db{$key} if exists $db{$key};
                unless (exists $queue{$key}) {
                        # Virtual engine
                        my $vkey = db_key(VENG, $ctx, $seqno);
                        my %req;
die unless exists $queues{$ctx};
-                       die unless exists $queue{$vkey};
                        die unless exists $submit{$vkey};
- # Create separate request record on the queue timeline
                        $q = $queue{$vkey};
                        $s = $submit{$vkey};
-                       $req{'queue'} = $q;
-                       $req{'submit'} = $s;
+                       unless (exists $vdb{$vkey}) {
+                               # Create separate request record on the queue
+                               # timeline.
+                               $req{'queue'} = $q;
+                               $req{'submit'} = $s;
+                               $req{'start'} = $time;
+                               $req{'end'} = $time;
+                               $req{'ring'} = VENG;
+                               $req{'phys-engine'} = $ring;
+                               $req{'seqno'} = $seqno;
+                               $req{'ctx'} = $ctx;
+                               $req{'name'} = $ctx . '/' . $seqno;
+                               $req{'port'} = $port;
+                               $vdb{$vkey} = \%req;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       $q = $queue{$key};
+                       $s = $submit{$key};
+               }
+               unless (exists $db{$key}) {
                        $req{'start'} = $time;
-                       $req{'end'} = $time;
-                       $req{'ring'} = VENG;
+                       $req{'ring'} = $ring;
                        $req{'seqno'} = $seqno;
                        $req{'ctx'} = $ctx;
+                       $ctxtimelines{$ctx . '/' . $ring} = 1;
                        $req{'name'} = $ctx . '/' . $seqno;
-                       $req{'global'} = $tp{'global'};
-                       $req{'port'} = $tp{'port'};
+                       $req{'port'} = $port;
+                       $req{'queue'} = $q;
+                       $req{'submit'} = $s;
+                       $req{'virtual'} = 1 if exists $queues{$ctx};
+                       $rings{$ring} = $gid++ unless exists $rings{$ring};
+                       $ringmap{$rings{$ring}} = $ring;
+                       $db{$key} = \%req;
- $vdb{$vkey} = \%req;
-               } else {
-                       $q = $queue{$key};
-                       $s = $submit{$key};
- $req{'start'} = $time;
-               $req{'ring'} = $ring;
-               $req{'seqno'} = $seqno;
-               $req{'ctx'} = $ctx;
-               $ctxtimelines{$ctx . '/' . $ring} = 1;
-               $req{'name'} = $ctx . '/' . $seqno;
-               $req{'global'} = $tp{'global'};
-               $req{'port'} = $tp{'port'};
-               $req{'queue'} = $q;
-               $req{'submit'} = $s;
-               $req{'virtual'} = 1 if exists $queues{$ctx};
-               $rings{$ring} = $gid++ unless exists $rings{$ring};
-               $ringmap{$rings{$ring}} = $ring;
-               $db{$key} = \%req;
+               port_in($ring, $port, $key, $time);
        } elsif ($tp_name eq 'i915:i915_request_out:') {
-               if ($tp{'completed?'}) {
-                       my $nkey;
+               my ($nkey, $completed, $prev_in);
- die unless exists $db{$key};
-                       die unless exists $db{$key}->{'start'};
-                       die if exists $db{$key}->{'end'};
-                       $nkey = notify_key($ctx, $seqno);
+               if ($ring eq VENG and not exists $db{$key}) {
+                       my $vkey = db_key(VENG, $ctx, $seqno);
- $db{$key}->{'end'} = $time;
-                       $db{$key}->{'notify'} = $notify{$nkey}
-                                               if exists $notify{$nkey};
-               } else {
-                       delete $db{$key};
+                       $ring = $vdb{$vkey}->{'phys-engine'};
+                       $key = db_key($ring, $ctx, $seqno);
+               die unless exists $db{$key};
+               die unless exists $db{$key}->{'start'};
+               $nkey = notify_key($ctx, $seqno);
+               port_out($ring, $key, $time);
+               $db{$key}->{'notify'} = $notify{$nkey}
+                                       if exists $notify{$nkey};
+               $db{$key}->{'end'} = $time;
+               $db{$key}->{'completed'} = $tp{'completed?'};
        } elsif ($tp_name eq 'dma_fence:dma_fence_signaled:') {
                my $nkey;
@@ -561,6 +631,18 @@ sub sortStart {
        return $val;
+sub sortEnd {
+       my $as = $db{$a}->{'end'};
+       my $bs = $db{$b}->{'end'};
+       my $val;
+say $a unless defined $as;
+       $val = $as <=> $bs;
+       $val = $a cmp $b if $val == 0;
+       return $val;
  sub get_engine_timeline {
        my ($ring) = @_;
        my @timeline;
@@ -568,7 +650,7 @@ sub get_engine_timeline {
        return $engine_timelines{$ring} if exists $engine_timelines{$ring};
@timeline = grep { $db{$_}->{'ring'} eq $ring } keys %db;
-       @timeline = sort sortStart @timeline;
+       @timeline = sort sortEnd @timeline;
        $engine_timelines{$ring} = \@timeline;
return \@timeline;
@@ -679,73 +761,6 @@ sub get_ctx_timeline {
        return \@timeline;
-# Split out merged batches if requested.
-if ($correct_durations) {
-       # Shift !port0 requests start time to after the previous context on the
-       # same timeline has finished.
-       foreach my $gid (sort keys %rings) {
-               my $ring = $ringmap{$rings{$gid}};
-               my $timeline = get_engine_timeline($ring);
-               my $complete;
-               foreach my $pos (0..$#{$timeline}) {
-                       my $key = @{$timeline}[$pos];
-                       my $prev = $complete;
-                       my $pkey;
-                       $complete = $key unless exists $db{$key}->{'no-end'};
-                       $pkey = $complete;
-                       next if $db{$key}->{'port'} == 0;
-                       $pkey = $prev if $complete eq $key;
-                       die unless defined $pkey;
-                       $db{$key}->{'start'} = $db{$pkey}->{'end'};
-                       $db{$key}->{'start'} = $db{$pkey}->{'notify'} if 
$db{$key}->{'start'} > $db{$key}->{'end'};
-                       die if $db{$key}->{'start'} > $db{$key}->{'end'};
-                       $re_sort = 1;
-               }
-       }
-       maybe_sort_keys();
-       # Batch with no-end (no request_out) means it was submitted as part of
-       # coalesced context. This means it's start time should be set to the end
-       # time of a following request on this context timeline.
-       foreach my $tkey (sort keys %ctxtimelines) {
-               my ($ctx, $ring) = split '/', $tkey;
-               my $timeline = get_ctx_timeline($ctx, $ring, $tkey);
-               my $last_complete = -1;
-               my $complete;
-               foreach my $pos (0..$#{$timeline}) {
-                       my $key = @{$timeline}[$pos];
-                       my $next_key;
-                       next unless exists $db{$key}->{'no-end'};
-                       last if $pos == $#{$timeline};
-                       # Shift following request to start after the current
-                       # one, but only if that wouldn't make it zero duration,
-                       # which would indicate notify arrived after context
-                       # complete.
-                       $next_key = ${$timeline}[$pos + 1];
-                       if (exists $db{$key}->{'notify'} and
-                           $db{$key}->{'notify'} < $db{$key}->{'end'}) {
-                               $db{$next_key}->{'engine-start'} = 
-                               $db{$next_key}->{'start'} = 
-                               $re_sort = 1;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
  # GPU time accounting
  my (%running, %runnable, %queued, %batch_avg, %batch_total_avg, %batch_count);
  my (%submit_avg, %execute_avg, %ctxsave_avg);
@@ -781,8 +796,7 @@ foreach my $key (@sorted_keys) {
                $db{$key}->{'duration'} = 0;
- $running{$ring} += $end - $start if $correct_durations or
-                                           not exists $db{$key}->{'no-end'};
+       $running{$ring} += $end - $start if not exists $db{$key}->{'no-end'};
        unless (exists $db{$key}->{'virtual'}) {
                $runnable{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'};
                $queued{$ring} += $start - $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'} - 
@@ -1324,9 +1338,14 @@ foreach my $key (sort sortQueue keys %db) {
                $content .= ' <small><i>++</i></small> ' if exists 
                $content .= ' <small><i>+</i></small> ' if exists 
                $content .= "<br>$db{$key}->{'duration'}us 
-               $startend = 'start: ' . $start . ', end: ' . $notify;
-               print "\t{id: $i, key: $skey, $type group: $group, subgroup: 
$subgroup, subgroupOrder: $subgroup, content: '$content', $startend, style: 
-               $i++;
+               foreach my $slice (@{$db{$key}->{'slices'}}) {
+                       my ($s, $e) = ($start, $notify);
+                       $s = @{$slice}[0] if @{$slice}[0] >= $start;
+                       $e = @{$slice}[1] if @{$slice}[1] <= $notify;
+                       $startend = 'start: ' . $s . ', end: ' . $e;
+                       print "\t{id: $i, key: $skey, $type group: $group, subgroup: 
$subgroup, subgroupOrder: $subgroup, content: '$content', $startend, style: 
+                       $i++;
+               }
# user interrupt to context complete

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