-----Original Message-----
From: Ceraolo Spurio, Daniele
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:05 PM
To: Srivatsa, Anusha <anusha.sriva...@intel.com>; intel-
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] drm/i915/uc: Update MAKE_HUC_FW_PATH macro
On 9/9/19 12:28 PM, Anusha Srivatsa wrote:
Update MAKE_HUC_FW_PATH macro to follow the same convention as the
MAKE_GUC_FW_PATH with the separator changing from "_" to "."
and removing "ver".
The current convention being:
Update the versions of huc being loaded of the platforms.
SKL - v2.0.0
BXT - v2.0.0
KBL - v4.0.0
GLK - v4.0.0
CFL - KBL v4.0.0
ICL - v9.0.0
CML - v4.0.0
v2: Remove the separator parameter altogether from
- Squash all firmware update patches (Daniele)
Suggested-by: Daniele Ceraolo Spurio <daniele.ceraolospu...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Anusha Srivatsa <anusha.sriva...@intel.com>
drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c | 25 ++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
index 296a82603be0..da4bf24368bd 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
@@ -40,25 +40,26 @@ void intel_uc_fw_change_status(struct intel_uc_fw
#define INTEL_UC_FIRMWARE_DEFS(fw_def, guc_def, huc_def) \
fw_def(ELKHARTLAKE, 0, guc_def(ehl, 33, 0, 4), huc_def(ehl, 9, 0,
- fw_def(ICELAKE, 0, guc_def(icl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(icl, 8, 4,
3238)) \
- fw_def(COFFEELAKE, 0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 02, 00,
1810)) \
- fw_def(GEMINILAKE, 0, guc_def(glk, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(glk, 03, 01,
2893)) \
- fw_def(KABYLAKE, 0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 02, 00,
- fw_def(BROXTON, 0, guc_def(bxt, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(bxt, 01, 8,
2893)) \
- fw_def(SKYLAKE, 0, guc_def(skl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(skl, 01, 07,
-#define __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, name_, separator_, major_, minor_,
patch_) \
+ fw_def(COFFEELAKE, 0, guc_def(cml, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(cml, 4, 0,
+ fw_def(ICELAKE, 0, guc_def(icl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(icl, 9, 0,
0)) \
+ fw_def(COFFEELAKE, 0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 4, 0,
0)) \
+ fw_def(GEMINILAKE, 0, guc_def(glk, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(glk, 4, 0,
0)) \
+ fw_def(KABYLAKE, 0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 4, 0,
0)) \
+ fw_def(BROXTON, 0, guc_def(bxt, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(bxt, 2, 0,
0)) \
+ fw_def(SKYLAKE, 0, guc_def(skl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(skl, 2, 0,
In addition to what Michal pointed out, while we're at it you can also get rid
all the extra spaces in the huc_def() column since we've now standardized the
length of the items like we did with GuC. Maybe just leave an extra space for
major, since we're close to hitting v10?