On 9/10/19 2:35 PM, Srivatsa, Anusha wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ceraolo Spurio, Daniele
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:05 PM
To: Srivatsa, Anusha <anusha.sriva...@intel.com>; intel-
Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/2] drm/i915/uc: Update MAKE_HUC_FW_PATH macro

On 9/9/19 12:28 PM, Anusha Srivatsa wrote:
Update MAKE_HUC_FW_PATH macro to follow the same convention as the
MAKE_GUC_FW_PATH with the separator changing from "_" to "."
and removing "ver".

The current convention being:

Update the versions of huc being loaded of the platforms.

SKL - v2.0.0
BXT - v2.0.0
KBL - v4.0.0
GLK - v4.0.0
CFL - KBL v4.0.0
ICL - v9.0.0
CML - v4.0.0

v2: Remove the separator parameter altogether from
- Squash all firmware update patches (Daniele)

Suggested-by: Daniele Ceraolo Spurio <daniele.ceraolospu...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Anusha Srivatsa <anusha.sriva...@intel.com>
   drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c | 25 ++++++++++++------------
   1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
index 296a82603be0..da4bf24368bd 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gt/uc/intel_uc_fw.c
@@ -40,25 +40,26 @@ void intel_uc_fw_change_status(struct intel_uc_fw
   #define INTEL_UC_FIRMWARE_DEFS(fw_def, guc_def, huc_def) \
        fw_def(ELKHARTLAKE, 0, guc_def(ehl, 33, 0, 4), huc_def(ehl,  9,  0,    
-       fw_def(ICELAKE,     0, guc_def(icl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(icl,  8,  4, 
3238)) \
-       fw_def(COFFEELAKE,  0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 02, 00,
1810)) \
-       fw_def(GEMINILAKE,  0, guc_def(glk, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(glk, 03, 01,
2893)) \
-       fw_def(KABYLAKE,    0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl, 02, 00, 
-       fw_def(BROXTON,     0, guc_def(bxt, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(bxt, 01,  8,
2893)) \
-       fw_def(SKYLAKE,     0, guc_def(skl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(skl, 01, 07, 
-#define __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, name_, separator_, major_, minor_,
patch_) \
+       fw_def(COFFEELAKE,  0, guc_def(cml, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(cml,  4,  0,    
+       fw_def(ICELAKE,     0, guc_def(icl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(icl,  9,  0,    
0)) \
+       fw_def(COFFEELAKE,  0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl,  4,  0,    
0)) \
+       fw_def(GEMINILAKE,  0, guc_def(glk, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(glk,  4,  0,    
0)) \
+       fw_def(KABYLAKE,    0, guc_def(kbl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(kbl,  4,  0,    
0)) \
+       fw_def(BROXTON,     0, guc_def(bxt, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(bxt,  2,  0,    
0)) \
+       fw_def(SKYLAKE,     0, guc_def(skl, 33, 0, 0), huc_def(skl,  2,  0,    

In addition to what Michal pointed out, while we're at it you can also get rid 
all the extra spaces in the huc_def() column since we've now standardized the
length of the items like we did with GuC. Maybe just leave an extra space for 
major, since we're close to hitting v10?

Regarding that, do we still want 4 spaces for HuC build number?
And 2 spaces for minor?

No, just leave 1 space for minor and build num (like for guc_def) and 2 for the major so we don't have to move everything when we get HuC v10



+#define __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, name_, major_, minor_, patch_) \
        "i915/" \
        __stringify(prefix_) name_ \
-       __stringify(major_) separator_ \
-       __stringify(minor_) separator_ \
+       __stringify(major_) "." \
+       __stringify(minor_) "." \
        __stringify(patch_) ".bin"

   #define MAKE_GUC_FW_PATH(prefix_, major_, minor_, patch_) \
-       __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, "_guc_", ".", major_, minor_, patch_)
+       __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, "_guc_", major_, minor_, patch_)

   #define MAKE_HUC_FW_PATH(prefix_, major_, minor_, bld_num_) \
-       __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, "_huc_ver", "_", major_, minor_,
+       __MAKE_UC_FW_PATH(prefix_, "_huc_", major_, minor_, bld_num_)

   /* All blobs need to be declared via MODULE_FIRMWARE() */
   #define INTEL_UC_MODULE_FW(platform_, revid_, guc_, huc_) \

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