From: Paulo Zanoni <>

Since they're all the same register, leave all the #defines at the
same place, organized by Gen and also specify which bits are used by
only a specific port or encoding.

Also remove a few unused duplicates and adjust indentation.

Signed-off-by: Paulo Zanoni <>
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_reg.h |  111 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_reg.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_reg.h
index cd31af2..f35b28c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_reg.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915_reg.h
@@ -1679,43 +1679,68 @@
 #define   SDVOC_HOTPLUG_INT_STATUS_I915                (1 << 7)
 #define   SDVOB_HOTPLUG_INT_STATUS_I915                (1 << 6)
-/* SDVO port control */
-#define GEN3_SDVOB             0x61140
-#define GEN3_SDVOC             0x61160
-#define PCH_SDVOB              0xe1140
-#define   SDVO_ENABLE          (1 << 31)
-#define   SDVO_PIPE_B_SELECT   (1 << 30)
-#define   SDVO_STALL_SELECT    (1 << 29)
-#define   SDVO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE        (1 << 26)
+/* SDVO and HDMI port control.
+ * The same register may be used for SDVO or HDMI */
+#define GEN3_SDVOB     0x61140
+#define GEN3_SDVOC     0x61160
+#define GEN4_HDMIB     GEN3_SDVOB
+#define GEN4_HDMIC     GEN3_SDVOC
+#define PCH_SDVOB      0xe1140
+#define PCH_HDMIB      PCH_SDVOB
+#define PCH_HDMIC      0xe1150
+#define PCH_HDMID      0xe1160
+/* Gen 3 SDVO bits: */
+#define   SDVO_ENABLE                          (1 << 31)
+#define   SDVO_PIPE_B_SELECT                   (1 << 30)
+#define   SDVO_STALL_SELECT                    (1 << 29)
+#define   SDVO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE                        (1 << 26)
  * 915G/GM SDVO pixel multiplier.
- *
  * Programmed value is multiplier - 1, up to 5x.
- *
-#define   SDVO_PORT_MULTIPLY_MASK      (7 << 23)
+#define   SDVO_PORT_MULTIPLY_MASK              (7 << 23)
 #define   SDVO_PORT_MULTIPLY_SHIFT             23
-#define   SDVO_PHASE_SELECT_MASK       (15 << 19)
-#define   SDVO_PHASE_SELECT_DEFAULT    (6 << 19)
-#define   SDVO_CLOCK_OUTPUT_INVERT     (1 << 18)
-#define   SDVOC_GANG_MODE              (1 << 16)
-#define   SDVO_ENCODING_SDVO           (0x0 << 10)
-#define   SDVO_ENCODING_HDMI           (0x2 << 10)
-/** Requird for HDMI operation */
-#define   SDVO_COLOR_RANGE_16_235      (1 << 8)
-#define   SDVO_BORDER_ENABLE           (1 << 7)
-#define   SDVO_AUDIO_ENABLE            (1 << 6)
-/** New with 965, default is to be set */
-#define   SDVO_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH       (1 << 4)
-/** New with 965, default is to be set */
-#define   SDVO_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH       (1 << 3)
-#define   SDVOB_PCIE_CONCURRENCY       (1 << 3)
-#define   SDVO_DETECTED                        (1 << 2)
+#define   SDVO_PHASE_SELECT_MASK               (15 << 19)
+#define   SDVO_PHASE_SELECT_DEFAULT            (6 << 19)
+#define   SDVO_CLOCK_OUTPUT_INVERT             (1 << 18)
+#define   SDVOC_GANG_MODE                      (1 << 16) /* Port C only */
+#define   SDVO_BORDER_ENABLE                   (1 << 7) /* SDVO only */
+#define   SDVOB_PCIE_CONCURRENCY               (1 << 3) /* Port B only */
+#define   SDVO_DETECTED                                (1 << 2)
 /* Bits to be preserved when writing */
-#define   SDVOB_PRESERVE_MASK ((1 << 17) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 14) | (1 << 26))
-#define   SDVOC_PRESERVE_MASK ((1 << 17) | (1 << 26))
+#define   SDVOB_PRESERVE_MASK ((1 << 17) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 14) | \
+                              SDVO_INTERRUPT_ENABLE)
+/* Gen 4 SDVO/HDMI bits: */
+#define   COLOR_FORMAT_8bpc                    (0 << 26)
+#define   SDVO_ENCODING_SDVO                   (0 << 10)
+#define   SDVO_ENCODING_HDMI                   (2 << 10)
+#define   SDVO_NULL_PACKETS_DURING_VSYNC       (1 << 9) /* HDMI only */
+#define   SDVO_COLOR_RANGE_16_235              (1 << 8) /* HDMI only */
+#define   SDVO_AUDIO_ENABLE                    (1 << 6)
+/* VSYNC/HSYNC bits new with 965, default is to be set */
+#define   SDVO_VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH               (1 << 4)
+#define   SDVO_HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH               (1 << 3)
+/* Gen 5 (IBX) SDVO/HDMI bits: */
+#define   COLOR_FORMAT_12bpc                   (3 << 26) /* HDMI only */
+#define   SDVOB_HOTPLUG_ENABLE                 (1 << 23) /* SDVO only */
+/* Gen 6 (CPT) SDVO/HDMI bits: */
+#define   TRANSCODER_CPT(pipe)                 ((pipe) << 29)
+#define   TRANSCODER_MASK_CPT                  (3 << 29)
+/* Repeated but still used bits: */
+#define   PORT_ENABLE                          (1 << 31)
+#define   TRANSCODER(pipe)                     ((pipe) << 30)
+#define   TRANSCODER_MASK                      (1 << 30)
+#define   HDMI_MODE_SELECT                     (1 << 9)
+#define   DVI_MODE_SELECT                      (0 << 9)
+#define   PORT_DETECTED                                (1 << 2)
 /* DVO port control */
 #define DVOA                   0x61120
@@ -3980,32 +4005,6 @@
 #define FDI_PLL_CTL_1           0xfe000
 #define FDI_PLL_CTL_2           0xfe004
-/* The same register may be used for SDVO or HDMI */
-#define GEN4_HDMIB     GEN3_SDVOB
-#define GEN4_HDMIC     GEN3_SDVOC
-#define PCH_HDMIB      PCH_SDVOB
-#define PCH_HDMIC      0xe1150
-#define PCH_HDMID      0xe1160
-#define  PORT_ENABLE    (1 << 31)
-#define  TRANSCODER(pipe)       ((pipe) << 30)
-#define  TRANSCODER_CPT(pipe)   ((pipe) << 29)
-#define  TRANSCODER_MASK        (1 << 30)
-#define  TRANSCODER_MASK_CPT    (3 << 29)
-#define  COLOR_FORMAT_8bpc      (0)
-#define  COLOR_FORMAT_12bpc     (3 << 26)
-#define  SDVOB_HOTPLUG_ENABLE   (1 << 23)
-#define  SDVO_ENCODING          (0)
-#define  TMDS_ENCODING          (2 << 10)
-#define  NULL_PACKET_VSYNC_ENABLE       (1 << 9)
-/* CPT */
-#define  HDMI_MODE_SELECT      (1 << 9)
-#define  DVI_MODE_SELECT       (0)
-#define  SDVOB_BORDER_ENABLE    (1 << 7)
-#define  AUDIO_ENABLE           (1 << 6)
-#define  VSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH      (1 << 4)
-#define  HSYNC_ACTIVE_HIGH      (1 << 3)
-#define  PORT_DETECTED          (1 << 2)
 #define PCH_LVDS       0xe1180
 #define  LVDS_DETECTED (1 << 1)

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