From: Tvrtko Ursulin <>

We add stripes for different stages of request execution so it is easier
to follow one context in the multi-colour mode.

Vertical stripe pattern indicates pipeline "blockages" - requests waiting
for dependencies before they are runnable.

Diagonal stripes indicate runnable requests waiting for GPU time.

Horizontal strips are requests executing on the GPU.

Also use this new multi-coloured mode from

 John Harrison:
 * Mention in the commit.
 * Fix HTML for single colour mode.

Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <>
 scripts/ |  2 +-
 scripts/       | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 723e5f1cf1b8..bfea9ca008d9 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ sub trace_workload
-       $cmd = "perf script | $tracepl --html -x ctxsave -s --squash-ctx-id ";
+       $cmd = "perf script | $tracepl --html -x ctxsave -s -c --squash-ctx-id 
        $cmd .= join ' ', map("-i $_", @skip_engine);
        $cmd .= " > ${file}.html";
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index c8182a8ea86d..754075703edd 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -743,9 +743,9 @@ foreach my $key (keys %reqwait) {
 say sprintf('GPU: %.2f%% idle, %.2f%% busy',
             $flat_busy{'gpu-idle'}, $flat_busy{'gpu-busy'}) unless $html;
-my $queued_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour light' : 'blue';
-my $runnable_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour dark' : 'grey';
-my $execute_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour' : 'pink';
+my $queued_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour light, vertical stripes' 
: 'blue';
+my $runnable_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour dark, angled stripes' : 
+my $execute_colour = $colour_contexts ? 'multi-colour, horizontal stripes' : 
 print <<ENDHTML if $html;
@@ -892,11 +892,23 @@ sub ctx_colour
        my ($ctx, $s, $l) = (@_);
        my $val;
-       return 'Pink;' unless $colour_contexts;
+       return 'Pink' unless $colour_contexts;
        $val = int(360 / ($max_ctx - $min_ctx + 1)) * ($ctx - $min_ctx);
-       return "hsl($val, $s%, $l%);";
+       return "hsl($val, $s%, $l%)";
+sub box_style
+       my ($ctx, $deg, $s, $l) = @_;
+       return 'color: black; background: repeating-linear-gradient(' .
+               $deg . 'deg, ' .
+               ctx_colour($ctx, $s, $l) . ', ' .
+               ctx_colour($ctx, $s, $l) . ' 10px, ' .
+               ctx_colour($ctx, $s, int($l * 0.90)) . ' 10px, ' .
+               ctx_colour($ctx, $s, int($l * 0.90)) . ' 20px);';
 my $i = 0;
@@ -913,8 +925,7 @@ foreach my $key (sort sortQueue keys %db) {
        # submit to execute
        unless (exists $skip_box{'queue'}) {
                $skey = 2 * $max_seqno * $ctx + 2 * $seqno;
-               $style = 'color: black; background-color: ' .
-                        ctx_colour($ctx, 35, 85);
+               $style = box_style($ctx, 90, 35, 85);
                $content = "$name<br>$db{$key}->{'submit-delay'}us 
                $startend = 'start: \'' . ts($queue) . '\', end: \'' . 
ts($submit) . '\'';
                print "\t{id: $i, key: $skey, $type group: $group, subgroup: 1, 
subgroupOrder: 1, content: '$content', $startend, style: \'$style\'},\n";
@@ -924,8 +935,7 @@ foreach my $key (sort sortQueue keys %db) {
        # execute to start
        unless (exists $skip_box{'ready'}) {
                $skey = 2 * $max_seqno * $ctx + 2 * $seqno + 1;
-               $style = 'color: black; background-color: ' .
-                        ctx_colour($ctx, 35, 45);
+               $style = box_style($ctx, 45, 35, 45);
                $content = 
                $startend = 'start: \'' . ts($submit) . '\', end: \'' . 
ts($start) . '\'';
                print "\t{id: $i, key: $skey, $type group: $group, subgroup: 1, 
subgroupOrder: 2, content: '$content', $startend, style: \'$style\'},\n";
@@ -938,8 +948,7 @@ foreach my $key (sort sortQueue keys %db) {
                if (exists $db{$key}->{'incomplete'}) {
                        $style = 'color: white; background-color: red;';
                } else {
-                       $style = 'color: black; background-color: ' .
-                                 ctx_colour($ctx, 80, 65);
+                       $style = box_style($ctx, 0, 80, 65);
                $content = "$name <small>$db{$key}->{'port'}</small>";
                $content .= ' <small><i>???</i></small> ' if exists 

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