From: Tvrtko Ursulin <>

Realtime scheduling interferes with execlists submission (tasklet) so try
to simplify the PWM loop in a few ways:

 * Drop RT.
 * Longer batches for smaller systematic error.
 * More truthful test duration calculation.
 * Less clock queries.
 * No self-adjust - instead just report the achieved cycle and let the
   parent check against it.
 * Report absolute cycle error.

Signed-off-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <>
 tests/perf_pmu.c | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/perf_pmu.c b/tests/perf_pmu.c
index f27b7ec7d2c2..4436a7a49141 100644
--- a/tests/perf_pmu.c
+++ b/tests/perf_pmu.c
@@ -1504,12 +1504,6 @@ test_enable_race(int gem_fd, const struct 
intel_execution_engine2 *e)
-static double __error(double val, double ref)
-       igt_assert(ref > 1e-5 /* smallval */);
-       return (100.0 * val / ref) - 100.0;
 static void __rearm_spin_batch(igt_spin_t *spin)
        const uint32_t mi_arb_chk = 0x5 << 23;
@@ -1532,13 +1526,12 @@ static void
 accuracy(int gem_fd, const struct intel_execution_engine2 *e,
         unsigned long target_busy_pct)
-       const unsigned int min_test_loops = 7;
-       const unsigned long min_test_us = 1e6;
-       unsigned long busy_us = 2500;
+       unsigned long busy_us = 10000 - 100 * (1 + abs(50 - target_busy_pct));
        unsigned long idle_us = 100 * (busy_us - target_busy_pct *
                                busy_us / 100) / target_busy_pct;
-       unsigned long pwm_calibration_us;
-       unsigned long test_us;
+       const unsigned long min_test_us = 1e6;
+       const unsigned long pwm_calibration_us = min_test_us;
+       const unsigned long test_us = min_test_us;
        double busy_r, expected;
        uint64_t val[2];
        uint64_t ts[2];
@@ -1553,13 +1546,6 @@ accuracy(int gem_fd, const struct 
intel_execution_engine2 *e,
                idle_us *= 2;
-       pwm_calibration_us = min_test_loops * (busy_us + idle_us);
-       while (pwm_calibration_us < min_test_us)
-               pwm_calibration_us += busy_us + idle_us;
-       test_us = min_test_loops * (idle_us + busy_us);
-       while (test_us < min_test_us)
-               test_us += busy_us + idle_us;
        igt_info("calibration=%lums, test=%lums; ratio=%.2f%% (%luus/%luus)\n",
                 pwm_calibration_us / 1000, test_us / 1000,
                 (double)busy_us / (busy_us + idle_us) * 100.0,
@@ -1572,20 +1558,11 @@ accuracy(int gem_fd, const struct 
intel_execution_engine2 *e,
        /* Emit PWM pattern on the engine from a child. */
        igt_fork(child, 1) {
-               struct sched_param rt = { .sched_priority = 99 };
                const unsigned long timeout[] = {
                        pwm_calibration_us * 1000, test_us * 1000
-               uint64_t total_busy_ns = 0, total_idle_ns = 0;
+               uint64_t busy_ns = 0, idle_ns = 0;
                igt_spin_t *spin;
-               int ret;
-               /* We need the best sleep accuracy we can get. */
-               ret = sched_setscheduler(0,
-                                        SCHED_FIFO | SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK,
-                                        &rt);
-               if (ret)
-                       igt_warn("Failed to set scheduling policy!\n");
                /* Allocate our spin batch and idle it. */
                spin = igt_spin_batch_new(gem_fd, 0, e2ring(gem_fd, e), 0);
@@ -1594,37 +1571,38 @@ accuracy(int gem_fd, const struct 
intel_execution_engine2 *e,
                /* 1st pass is calibration, second pass is the test. */
                for (int pass = 0; pass < ARRAY_SIZE(timeout); pass++) {
-                       uint64_t busy_ns = -total_busy_ns;
-                       uint64_t idle_ns = -total_idle_ns;
-                       struct timespec test_start = { };
+                       struct timespec start = { };
+                       unsigned long pass_ns = 0;
+                       igt_nsec_elapsed(&start);
-                       igt_nsec_elapsed(&test_start);
                        do {
-                               unsigned int target_idle_us, t_busy;
+                               unsigned long loop_ns, loop_busy;
+                               struct timespec _ts = { };
+                               /* PWM idle sleep. */
+                               _ts.tv_nsec = idle_us * 1000;
+                               nanosleep(&_ts, NULL);
                                /* Restart the spinbatch. */
                                __submit_spin_batch(gem_fd, spin, e, 0);
-                               /*
-                                * Note that the submission may be delayed to a
-                                * tasklet (ksoftirqd) which cannot run until we
-                                * sleep as we hog the cpu (we are RT).
-                                */
-                               t_busy = measured_usleep(busy_us);
+                               /* PWM busy sleep. */
+                               loop_busy = igt_nsec_elapsed(&start);
+                               _ts.tv_nsec = busy_us * 1000;
+                               nanosleep(&_ts, NULL);
-                               gem_sync(gem_fd, spin->handle);
-                               total_busy_ns += t_busy;
-                               target_idle_us =
-                                       (100 * total_busy_ns / target_busy_pct 
- (total_busy_ns + total_idle_ns)) / 1000;
-                               total_idle_ns += 
-                       } while (igt_nsec_elapsed(&test_start) < timeout[pass]);
+                               /* Time accounting. */
+                               loop_ns = igt_nsec_elapsed(&start);
+                               loop_busy = loop_ns - loop_busy;
+                               loop_ns -= pass_ns;
-                       busy_ns += total_busy_ns;
-                       idle_ns += total_idle_ns;
+                               busy_ns += loop_busy;
+                               idle_ns += loop_ns - loop_busy;
+                               pass_ns += loop_ns;
+                       } while (pass_ns < timeout[pass]);
                        expected = (double)busy_ns / (busy_ns + idle_ns);
                        igt_info("%u: busy %"PRIu64"us, idle %"PRIu64"us: 
%.2f%% (target: %lu%%)\n",
@@ -1655,8 +1633,8 @@ accuracy(int gem_fd, const struct intel_execution_engine2 
        busy_r = (double)(val[1] - val[0]) / (ts[1] - ts[0]);
-       igt_info("error=%.2f%% (%.2f%% vs %.2f%%)\n",
-                __error(busy_r, expected), 100 * busy_r, 100 * expected);
+       igt_info("error=%.2f (%.2f%% vs %.2f%%)\n",
+                (busy_r - expected) * 100, 100 * busy_r, 100 * expected);
        assert_within(100.0 * busy_r, 100.0 * expected, 2);

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