On 08/03/18 09:13, Chris Wilson wrote:
Exercise some new API that allows applications to request that
individual contexts are executed within a desired frequency range.

v2: Split single/continuous set_freq subtests

Signed-off-by: Chris Wilson <ch...@chris-wilson.co.uk>
Cc: Paneri, Praveen <praveen.pan...@intel.com>
Cc: Kamble, Sagar A <sagar.a.kam...@intel.com>
Cc: Antonio Argenziano <antonio.argenzi...@intel.com>
  tests/Makefile.am      |   1 +
  tests/Makefile.sources |   1 +
  tests/gem_ctx_freq.c   | 604 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  tests/meson.build      |   1 +
  4 files changed, 607 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 tests/gem_ctx_freq.c

+static void single(int fd, const struct intel_execution_engine *e)
+       const unsigned int engine = e->exec_id | e->flags;
+       uint32_t ctx = gem_context_create(fd);
+       uint32_t min, max;
+       double measured;
+       igt_spin_t *spin;
+       int pmu;
+       get_freq(fd, ctx, &min, &max);
+       igt_info("Min freq: %dMHz; Max freq: %dMHz\n", min, max);
+       pmu = perf_i915_open(I915_PMU_REQUESTED_FREQUENCY);
+       igt_require(pmu >= 0);
+       for (uint32_t freq = min + 50; freq <= max; freq += 100) {

Although it is done in the smoke test, it would be interesting if freq's values were a bit randomized.

+               uint32_t cur, discard;
+               set_freq(fd, ctx, freq, freq);
+               get_freq(fd, ctx, &cur, &discard);

igt_assert_eq(freq, cur)?

+               gem_quiescent_gpu(fd);
+               spin = __igt_spin_batch_new(fd, ctx, engine, 0);
+               usleep(10000);

I guess here we wait for the frequency changes to take effect, maybe a small comment would help.

+               measured = measure_frequency(pmu, SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+               igt_debugfs_dump(fd, "i915_rps_boost_info");
+               igt_spin_batch_free(fd, spin);
+               igt_info("%s(single): Measured %.1fMHz, expected %dMhz\n",
+                        e->name, measured, cur);
+               igt_assert(measured > cur - 100 && measured < cur + 100);
+       }
+       gem_quiescent_gpu(fd);
+       close(pmu);
+       gem_context_destroy(fd, ctx);

+static void sandwich(int fd)
+       uint32_t ctx = gem_context_create(fd);
+       unsigned int engine;
+       uint32_t min, max;
+       igt_spin_t *spin;
+       int pmu;
+       pmu = perf_i915_open(I915_PMU_REQUESTED_FREQUENCY);
+       igt_require(pmu >= 0);
+       spin = igt_spin_batch_new(fd, ctx, 0, 0);
+       get_freq(fd, ctx, &min, &max);
+       set_freq(fd, ctx, min, min);
+       for_each_physical_engine(fd, engine) {
+               struct drm_i915_gem_exec_object2 obj = {
+                       .handle = spin->handle,
+               };
+               struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer2 eb = {
+                       .buffer_count = 1,
+                       .buffers_ptr = to_user_pointer(&obj),
+                       .flags = engine,
+                       .rsvd1 = ctx,
+               };
+               uint32_t cur, discard;
+               double measured;
+               min += 50;
+               if (min > max)
+                       break;
+               set_freq(fd, ctx, min, min);
+               get_freq(fd, ctx, &cur, &discard);
+               gem_execbuf(fd, &eb);
+               usleep(10000);
+               measured = measure_frequency(pmu, SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+               igt_debugfs_dump(fd, "i915_rps_boost_info");
+               igt_info("Measured %.1fMHz, expected %dMhz\n", measured, cur);
+               igt_assert(measured > cur - 100 && measured < cur + 100);

Does the frequency change after each execbuf?

+       }
+       igt_spin_batch_free(fd, spin);
+       gem_quiescent_gpu(fd);
+       gem_context_destroy(fd, ctx);
+       close(pmu);
+static void pwm(int fd, unsigned int *engines, unsigned int nengine, int link)
+       uint32_t ctx[nengine];
+       fcntl(link, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
+       for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nengine; n++)
+               ctx[n] = gem_context_create(fd);
+       do {
+               igt_spin_t *spin;
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t engine;
+                       uint32_t min;
+                       uint32_t max;
+               } req;
+               while (read(link, &req, sizeof(req)) > 0) {
+                       if ((req.engine | req.min | req.max) == 0)
+                               goto out;
+                       igt_assert(req.engine < nengine);
+                       set_freq(fd, ctx[req.engine], req.min, req.max);
+               }
+               /* Create a 20% load using busy spinners */
+               spin = __igt_spin_batch_new(fd, ctx[0], engines[0], 0);
+               for (unsigned int n = 1; n < nengine; n++) {
+                       struct drm_i915_gem_exec_object2 obj = {
+                               .handle = spin->handle,
+                       };
+                       struct drm_i915_gem_execbuffer2 eb = {
+                               .buffer_count = 1,
+                               .buffers_ptr = to_user_pointer(&obj),
+                               .flags = engines[n],
+                               .rsvd1 = ctx[n],
+                       };
+                       gem_execbuf(fd, &eb);
+               }
+               usleep(100);
+               igt_spin_batch_end(spin);
+               do
+                       usleep(10);
+               while (gem_bo_busy(fd, spin->handle));
+               igt_spin_batch_free(fd, spin);
+               usleep(400);
+       } while (1);
+       for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nengine; n++)
+               gem_context_destroy(fd, ctx[n]);
+static void smoketest(int fd, int timeout)
+       unsigned int engines[16];

use a macro instead of magic number 16.

+       unsigned int nengine;
+       unsigned int engine;
+       uint32_t min[16], max[16];
+       int pmu, link[2];
+       get_freq(fd, 0, &min[0], &max[0]);
+       nengine = 0;
+       for_each_physical_engine(fd, engine) {
+               if (nengine == ARRAY_SIZE(engines) - 1)
+                       break;
+               min[nengine] = min[0];
+               max[nengine] = max[0];
+               engines[nengine] = engine;
+               nengine++;
+       }
+       igt_require(nengine);
+       igt_assert(pipe(link) == 0);
+       igt_fork(child, 1)
+               pwm(fd, engines, nengine, link[0]);
+       close(link[0]);
+       pmu = perf_i915_open(I915_PMU_REQUESTED_FREQUENCY);
+       igt_require(pmu >= 0);
+       igt_until_timeout(timeout) {
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t engine;
+                       uint32_t min;
+                       uint32_t max;
+               } req;
+               double measured;
+               uint32_t ctx;
+               req.engine = rand() % nengine;
+               ctx = gem_context_create(fd);
+               get_freq(fd, ctx, &req.min, &req.max);
+               req.min = rand() % (req.max - req.min) + req.min;
+               req.max = rand() % (req.max - req.min) + req.min;
+               set_freq(fd, ctx, req.min, req.max);
+               get_freq(fd, ctx, &req.min, &req.max);
+               igt_debug("Replacing (%d, %d) on engine %x with (%d, %d)\n",
+                         min[req.engine], max[req.engine], req.engine,
+                         req.min, req.max);
+               igt_assert(write(link[1], &req, sizeof(req)) == sizeof(req));
+               gem_context_destroy(fd, ctx);
+               min[req.engine] = req.min;
+               max[req.engine] = req.max;
+               for (unsigned int n = 0; n < nengine; n++) {
+                       igt_debug("[%d]: [%d, %d]\n", n, min[n], max[n]);
+                       if (min[n] < req.min)
+                               req.min = min[n];
+                       if (max[n] > req.max)
+                               req.max = max[n];
+               }
+               igt_assert(req.max >= req.min);
+               usleep(50000);
+               measured = measure_frequency(pmu, SAMPLE_PERIOD);
+               if (measured <= req.min - 100 || measured >= req.max + 100)
+                       igt_debugfs_dump(fd, "i915_rps_boost_info");
+               igt_info("Measured %.1fMHz, expected [%d, %d]Mhz\n",
+                        measured, req.min, req.max);
+               igt_assert(measured > req.min - 100 &&
+                          measured < req.max + 100);
+       }
+       do {
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t engine;
+                       uint32_t min;
+                       uint32_t max;
+               } req = {};
+               write(link[1], &req, sizeof(req));
+               close(link[1]);
+       } while (0);
+       igt_waitchildren();
+       gem_quiescent_gpu(fd);
+       close(pmu);
+static void invalid_param(int fd)

gem_ctx_param is going to be upset again pretty soon ;).

+       uint32_t min, max;
+       uint32_t cur_min, cur_max;
+       get_freq(fd, 0, &min, &max);
+       igt_assert_eq(__set_freq(fd, 0, min - 50, max), -EINVAL);
+       igt_assert_eq(__set_freq(fd, 0, min, max + 50), -EINVAL);

One more case is both are out of boundary.

igt_assert_eq(__set_freq(fd, 0, min - 50, max + 50), -EINVAL);

+       igt_assert_eq(__set_freq(fd, 0, min + 50, min), -EINVAL);
+       igt_assert_eq(__set_freq(fd, 0, max, max - 50), -EINVAL);
+       get_freq(fd, 0, &cur_min, &cur_max);
+       igt_assert_eq(cur_min, min);
+       igt_assert_eq(cur_max, max);

Check frequency didn't change after each ioctl.

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