On 1/22/2018 2:54 AM, Tvrtko Ursulin wrote:
On 20/01/2018 00:24, john.c.harri...@intel.com wrote:
From: John Harrison <john.c.harri...@intel.com>
There are various statistics being calculated multiple times in
multiple places while the log file is being read in. Some of these are
then re-calculated when the database is munged to correct various
issues with the logs. This patch consolidates the calculations into a
separate pass after all the reading and munging has been done.
Note that this actually produces a different final output as the
'execute-delay' values were not previously being re-calculated after
all the fixups. Thus were based on an incorrect calculation.
Signed-off-by: John Harrison <john.c.harri...@intel.com>
Cc: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursu...@intel.com>
scripts/trace.pl | 54
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/trace.pl b/scripts/trace.pl
index cf841b7e..c5d822aa 100755
--- a/scripts/trace.pl
+++ b/scripts/trace.pl
@@ -437,8 +437,7 @@ while (<>) {
$req{'global'} = $tp{'global'};
$req{'port'} = $tp{'port'};
$req{'queue'} = $queue{$key};
- $req{'submit-delay'} = $submit{$key} - $queue{$key};
- $req{'execute-delay'} = $req{'start'} - $submit{$key};
+ $req{'submit'} = $submit{$key};
You only use the submit key to look up things two times, so you could
use the %submit hash directly to save some lookups, but on the other
hand maybe you were going for nicer split between data structures over
When I look at it again, I was using the same approach for 'queue'
when %queue was also available so never mind.. maybe an optimisation
opportunity with both for later, if would be worth it.
Yeah, I wasn't 100% certain the queue/submit things were safe to use
later given that you weren't. However, I think it definitely makes the
code easier to maintain if %db is assumed to be the one true source of
all information. Once that is constructed, all else can be forgotten
about and all subsequent processing only needs to operate on that one
data structure.
$rings{$ring} = $gid++ unless exists $rings{$ring};
$ringmap{$rings{$ring}} = $ring;
$db{$key} = \%req;
@@ -458,8 +457,6 @@ while (<>) {
$db{$key}->{'notify'} = $db{$key}->{'end'};
$db{$key}->{'no-notify'} = 1;
- $db{$key}->{'duration'} = $db{$key}->{'notify'} -
- $db{$key}->{'context-complete-delay'} = $db{$key}->{'end'} -
} elsif ($tp_name eq 'i915:intel_engine_notify:') {
$notify{global_key($ring, $seqno)} = $time;
} elsif ($tp_name eq 'i915:intel_gpu_freq_change:') {
@@ -493,16 +490,11 @@ foreach my $key (keys %db) {
$db{$key}->{'notify'} = $db{$key}->{'end'};
$db{$key}->{'incomplete'} = 1;
- $db{$key}->{'duration'} = $db{$key}->{'notify'} -
- $db{$key}->{'context-complete-delay'} = $db{$key}->{'end'} -
} else {
# Notify arrived after context complete.
if (exists $db{$key}->{'no-notify'} and exists
$notify{$gkey}) {
delete $db{$key}->{'no-notify'};
$db{$key}->{'notify'} = $notify{$gkey};
- $db{$key}->{'duration'} = $db{$key}->{'notify'} -
- $db{$key}->{'context-complete-delay'} =
$db{$key}->{'end'} - $db{$key}->{'notify'};
@@ -529,8 +521,6 @@ foreach my $key (@keys) {
if (exists $db{$next_key}) {
$db{$key}->{'notify'} = $db{$next_key}->{'end'};
$db{$key}->{'end'} = $db{$key}->{'notify'};
- $db{$key}->{'duration'} = $db{$key}->{'notify'} -
- $db{$key}->{'context-complete-delay'} = $db{$key}->{'end'} -
@@ -565,19 +555,14 @@ die "Database changed size?!" unless
scalar(@sorted_keys) == $keyCount;
foreach my $key (@sorted_keys) {
my $ring = $db{$key}->{'ring'};
my $end = $db{$key}->{'end'};
+ my $start = $db{$key}->{'start'};
+ my $notify = $db{$key}->{'notify'};
Why did you move/put these two here since they are not used outside
the $correct_durations block? I'd avoid hash queries if not needed.
The code had mutated a lot before arriving at this point, yer honour. It
all made sense at one point in time!
$first_ts = $db{$key}->{'queue'} if not defined $first_ts or
$db{$key}->{'queue'} < $first_ts;
$last_ts = $end if $end > $last_ts;
- $running{$ring} += $end - $db{$key}->{'start'} unless exists
- $runnable{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'};
- $queued{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'start'} -
$db{$key}->{'execute-delay'} - $db{$key}->{'queue'};
- $batch_count{$ring}++;
# correct duration of merged batches
if ($correct_durations and exists $db{$key}->{'no-end'}) {
- my $start = $db{$key}->{'start'};
my $ctx = $db{$key}->{'ctx'};
my $seqno = $db{$key}->{'seqno'};
my $next_key;
@@ -591,24 +576,41 @@ foreach my $key (@sorted_keys) {
# 20us tolerance
if (exists $db{$next_key} and $db{$next_key}->{'start'} <
$start + 20) {
$re_sort = 1;
- $db{$next_key}->{'start'} = $start +
+ $db{$next_key}->{'start'} = $notify;
Makes sense, mine was silly!
$db{$next_key}->{'start'} = $db{$next_key}->{'end'} if
$db{$next_key}->{'start'} > $db{$next_key}->{'end'};
- $db{$next_key}->{'duration'} =
$db{$next_key}->{'notify'} - $db{$next_key}->{'start'};
- $end = $db{$key}->{'notify'};
die if $db{$next_key}->{'start'} >
- die if $db{$key}->{'start'} > $db{$key}->{'end'};
+ die if $start > $end;
+@sorted_keys = sort sortStart keys %db if $re_sort;
+foreach my $key (@sorted_keys) {
+ my $ring = $db{$key}->{'ring'};
+ my $end = $db{$key}->{'end'};
+ my $start = $db{$key}->{'start'};
+ my $notify = $db{$key}->{'notify'};
+ $db{$key}->{'context-complete-delay'} = $end - $notify;
+ $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'} = $start - $db{$key}->{'submit'};
+ $db{$key}->{'submit-delay'} = $db{$key}->{'submit'} -
+ $db{$key}->{'duration'} = $notify - $start;
+ $running{$ring} += $end - $start unless exists
+ $runnable{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'};
+ $queued{$ring} += $start - $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'} -
+ $batch_count{$ring}++;
$batch_avg{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'duration'};
- $batch_total_avg{$ring} += $end - $db{$key}->{'start'};
+ $batch_total_avg{$ring} += $end - $start;
$submit_avg{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'submit-delay'};
$execute_avg{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'execute-delay'};
- $ctxsave_avg{$ring} += $db{$key}->{'end'} - $db{$key}->{'notify'};
+ $ctxsave_avg{$ring} += $end - $notify;
-@sorted_keys = sort sortStart keys %db if $re_sort;
foreach my $ring (sort keys %batch_avg) {
$batch_avg{$ring} /= $batch_count{$ring};
$batch_total_avg{$ring} /= $batch_count{$ring};
A great improvement! I didn't spot that you've changed anything which
would break the flow.
I'd move those two locals in the if block, but otherwise:
Reviewed-by: Tvrtko Ursulin <tvrtko.ursu...@intel.com>
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