Wrapping the image, to make it compatible for viewers with 80Char limit.

On Saturday 05 August 2017 09:21 PM, Ramalingam C wrote:
If a stream can be distributed to HDCP1.4 compliant devices also, that is tagged as Type 0. Refer the below diagram for pictorial representation for flow of encrypted stream tagged as Type 0 and 1.
                 | HDCP v2.2 |
                       | v2.2 link
                  |HDCP v2.2|
                  | Repeater|
                     |   |
                     |   |
    v2.2 link +------+   +-------+ v1.4 link
              |                  |
              v                  v
         +----+----+        +----+----+
         |HDCP v2.2|        |HDCP v1.4|
         |  Panel  |        |  Panel  |
         +---------+        +---------+

                              HDCP v2.2 protected
  Type 0 Content                  Type 1 Content
     flow path                       flow path

         +                               +
         |                               |
         |                               |
         |                               |
         |                               |
         |                               |
         |                               |
       +-+-+                           +-+
       |   |                           |
+------+   +-------+            +------+
|                  |            |
v                  v            v

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