Since the chamelium is not a very usual piece of hardware and requires
pulling-in lots of specific dependencies, it makes sense to keep it
disabled by default.

An explicit --enable-chamelium argument is provided to enable it when
necessary. This also leads to more predictable results than
automatically enabling it when its dependencies are met.

Finally, whether chamelium support is enabled is printed by the
information summary at end of the configure run.

Signed-off-by: Paul Kocialkowski <>
--- | 17 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a6ab9e4a..17a226de 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -185,23 +185,23 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GSL, [gsl], [gsl=yes], [gsl=no])
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_GSL, [test "x$gsl" = xyes])
 # for chamelium
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(chamelium, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-chamelium],
-             [Enable building of chamelium libraries and tests (default: 
-             [enable_chamelium=no], [enable_chamelium=yes])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(chamelium, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-chamelium],
+             [Enable building of chamelium libraries and tests (default: no)]),
+             [enable_chamelium=yes], [enable_chamelium=no])
 AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_CHAMELIUM, [test "x$enable_chamelium" = xyes])
 if test "x$enable_chamelium" = xyes; then
        PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XMLRPC, xmlrpc xmlrpc_util xmlrpc_client, [],
-                         [AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find xmlrpc, required by 
chamelium. Use --disable-chamelium to disable chamelium support.])])
+                         [AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find xmlrpc, required by 
        PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PIXMAN, pixman-1, [],
-                         [AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find pixman, required by 
chamelium. Use --disable-chamelium to disable chamelium support.])])
+                         [AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find pixman, required by 
        if test x"$udev" != xyes; then
-               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find udev, required by chamelium. Use 
--disable-chamelium to disable chamelium support.])
+               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find udev, required by chamelium.])
        if test x"$glib" != xyes; then
-               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find glib, required by chamelium. Use 
--disable-chamelium to disable chamelium support.])
+               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find glib, required by chamelium.])
        if test x"$gsl" != xyes; then
-               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find gsl, required by chamelium. Use 
--disable-chamelium to disable chamelium support.])
+               AC_MSG_ERROR([Failed to find gsl, required by chamelium.])
        AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CHAMELIUM, 1, [Enable Chamelium support])
@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ echo "Intel GPU tools"
 echo ""
 echo " • Tests:"
 echo "       Build tests        : ${BUILD_TESTS}"
+echo "       Chamelium tests    : ${enable_chamelium}"
 echo "       Compile prime tests: ${NOUVEAU}"
 echo "       Print stack traces : ${with_libunwind}"
 echo "       Debug flags        : ${DEBUG_CFLAGS}"

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