Hi Ville,

Please find more clarification on new pipe scaler design as asked in discussion.
Please add your thoughts and suggest any change if have to do on the design.

Notes on design:-
A) Only on Gen9 case skylake_pfit_enable() is called
B) Only on Gen9+, intel_crtc_atomic_check has call to
   skl_update_scaler_crtc and is done from encoder->compute_config and
   New implementation use skl_update_scaler_crtc in
   intel_crtc_atomic_check, and  use pch_fitting_mode for computing
   destination position and size.
   Old implementation had pch_panel_fitting() call only once in
C) intel_pch_panel_fitting  or intel_pch_panel_fitting is called only
   in case of fixed mode inside encoder->compute_config (e.g

   The scaling mode property is a legacy connector property in old
D) There is no change in new design for PFIT register write in
   So behavior is as before.
E) Pipe src properties is populated by modeset properties from
   get_hw_timing()call in current design. So they are having current
   mode's hdisplay and vdisplay size.
   In current pipe scaler implementation scaling mode property is an
   atomic crtc property. Now Connector property is not used in nuclear

Use Cases in concern:-----
In legacy modeset
1) Set fitting mode connector property.
2) Do set-crtc

In neuclearflip
1) Set fitting mode crtc property along with the other propery.

Both the cases the important difference will be from where the fittting
 mode is taken and pipe destination/ pfiters configutation is
 calculated accordingly.

A) There Will be no change in behavior for ILK or previous platforms
   before GEN9 as whole enhancement part is under Gen9 check on Nuclear
   flip path.
   If similar behavior is required for previous platforms need to check
   restrictions of PFIT register writting (On previous supported
   platforms) from HW Bspec.
   As far I understood we can't change PFIT registers without turning
   of pipe/modeset. Else we will see flickers/corruption.
B) If Legacy modeset used there will be no major issue should be there
   for GEN9+.
   Crtc_atomic_check will call pfit_calculate, which is still using
   connector_fitting_mode legacy property. Atomic mode property not
   used so bool pipe_scaler_changed is not updated,
   So PIpescaler will be not updated later by calling pch_panel_fitting
   in intel_crtc_atomic_check().

On 11/3/2016 2:53 PM, Maiti, Nabendu Bikash wrote:

Please review the patches and comments.

On 10/28/2016 6:05 PM, Nabendu Maiti wrote:
Attaching old discussion thread for easy reference.

On Tue, Jan 05, 2016 at 05:18:40PM +0200, Ville Syrjälä wrote:

On Tue, Jan 05, 2016 at 03:50:38PM +0100, Daniel Vetter wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 07:06:15PM +0200, Ville Syrjälä wrote:

> > On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 11:16:39AM +0100, Maarten Lankhorst wrote:

> > > Hey,

> > >

> > > Op 23-12-15 om 12:05 schreef Nabendu Maiti:

> > > > This patch is adding pipesource size as property as intel

> > > > property.User application is allowed to change the pipe source
size in runtime on BXT/SKL.

> > > > Added the property as inteli crtc property.

> > > >

> > > > Comments and suggestions are requested for whether we can keep

> > > > the property as intel crtc property or move to drm level.

> > > >

> > > This property would get lost on a modeset. But why do you need a
pipe_src property?

> >

> > It's needed if we want to use the panel fitter with

> > non-eDP/LVDS/DSI displays.

> >

> > Last time this came up I decided that we want to expose this via a

> > new "fixed_mode" property. Ie. userspace can choose the actual

> > display timings by setting the "fixed_mode" property with a

> > specific mode, and then the normal mode property will basically

> > just control just the pipe src size just like it already does for

> > eDP/LVDS/DSI where we already have the fixed_mode internally (just

> > not exposed to usersapce). If the fixed_mode is not specified,

> > things will work just as they do right now. Obviously for

> > eDP/LVDS/DSI we will reject any request to change/unset the fixed

> >

> > The benefit of that approach is that things will work exactly the

> > same way as before unless the user explicitly sets the fixed_mode,

> > and once it's set thigns will work exactly the same way as they

> > have worked so far for eDP/LVDS/DSI. Also it keeps the policy of

> > choosing the fixed mode strictly is userspace for external displays.

> >

> > And as a bonus we will also expose the eDP/LVDS/DSI fixed_mode to

> > userspace giving userspace more information on what the actual

> > panel timings are. Currently userspace has to more or less guess

> > that one of the modes the connector claims to support has the

> > actual panel timings.

> >

> > So far I've not heard any opposing opinions to this plan.


> Hm yeah, pipe_src would run into all kinds of fun in conjunction

> with the existing fixed mode stuff we have. Just exposing the fixed

> as a prop might be simpler. But then we need to figure out what to

> do wrt the clock in the mode passed in through userspace - currently

> the fixed mode always wins, but for manual DRRS it would be nice if

> userspace could control it, and doesn't have to know that there's a

We could have the user mode vrefresh indicate the desired refresh rate

of the fixed mode as well. In fact I've been wanting to add a check to

make sure the user mode refresh rate isn't too far off from the

fixed/downlclock mode vrefresh, but didn't get around to it yet.

Yeah agreed, userspace vrefresh should control (or at least be checked

against) the fixed mode vrefresh.

> So semantically I think only exposing the pipe src to expose panel

> fitters would be cleaner. Then we'd need to deal with some internal

> troubles to make sure we combine everything correctly, but that

> shouldn't be too hard really.

I think it's quite a bit more work since we have to redo all the fb

size checks and whatnot to use the property when specified. I once

outlined a more detailed plan for his approach too (too lazy to dig up

the mail), but I think the fixed mode prop is a simpler approach and

won't actually require much in the way of userspace changes either.

It'll be enough to set the property once and then even the legacy

modeset ioctls will work exactly like they do now for eDP/LVDS/DSI.

One downside of the fixed mode against an explicit pipe src rectangle is
that the explict rectangle allows us to letter/pillar/stretch/move too.

With just a fixed_mode that's much harder to pull off.

I think for i915 it should be fairly ok-ish to implement this. We just
need to move pipe src rectangle to drm_crtc_state, and adjust all the
pfit config logic to work on the pipe level. Panels would then only
replace the output mode with the fixed panel mode, and leave
scaling/pfit selection to the core crtc code.



Daniel Vetter

Software Engineer, Intel Corporation



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On 10/03/2016 04:57 PM, Ville Syrjälä wrote:
On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 07:47:37PM +0530, Maiti, Nabendu Bikash wrote:

On 9/20/2016 1:55 PM, Ville Syrjälä wrote:
On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 10:30:54AM +0530, Nabendu Maiti wrote:
Following patch series add pipe scaler functionality in atomic
path.The pipe
scaler can be changed dynamically without modeset.Apart from
default panel
fitter supported scaling modes -CENTER/ASPECT/FULLSCREEN custom
scaling mode
mode is added as there is no such restriction on GEn9 pipe scaler.
Some quick observations:
- missing any interaction with drm core, so all generic fb size checks
  and whatnot will not work out, I think
Pipe scaler is not dependent on fp I think. We have fb size checks are
done in plane check.
You need to explain how this all interacts with the legacy pipe/plane
size == mode hdisplay/vdisplay stuff.
There is no direct interaction with the plane. This properties use
current modeset timings - horizontal and
vertical timing as stored in pipe_src_w and pipe_src_h variables. They
are filled just after pll and clock are set
and adjusted modeset structures are filled up. This design will not
interfere with current existing code of pipe/plane.

Clipping and clamping on plane level is already done on Blended data
output of  pipe using existing code. pipe
level clamping and clipping will happen when pipe scaler using out of
boundary value. Current code use clamping only.

- the way it's done goes against what I've suggested in the past. My
  idea has been to add a "fixed mode" property to connectors instead,
  which I think would minimize the impact on the core, and it would
  follow closely the way eDP/LVDS/DSI already works today.
yes using fixed mode we can do also but I wanted to be part of crtc
property instead of connector property. As fixed mode is basically
intended for fixed mode panels.But we may use pipe scaler for fixed
and dynamic mode panels.
That doesn't say much. The fixed mode apporach, I think, might be easier
to incorporate in a way that keeps the legacy apporach working. Adding a
totally different way to configure the pipe src size will mean more
interactions between the properties.

Also it culd be supported with non-atomic userspace reasonably easily.
We'll need some sort of userspace for this anyway, otherwise it's just
untested/unused code.
There will be no change in legacy code path. They will work as it is.
Only downside will be mixup of legacy and non-atomic use.
But individually they should work as fine as before. The configuration
of pipe_src is done as before. They will be
changed if user explicitly want to change them. Internal checks are
there if some odd unaccepted values are provided.

Yes I can write the userspace igt if this design is fine. This design is
tested with inhouse val tool (igt based) on android
- There's no need to restrict the feature to gen9+ only. It should
  out just fine for at least all pch platforms. gmch platforms
would be
  more challenging
This code I designed to use gen9+, and properties like crtc destination
size and offsets also exposed.There is no restrictions on modes (eg.
pillerbox/letterbox) and down scaling ratios as previous platforms.
Currently scaling mode is part of connector property and implemented as
legacy property. I created new scaling mode as atomic property. I think
gen9+ onward platforms may have proper atomic pipe scaling properties
and user space may use it fully dynamically without modeset.
None of that tells me why it's gen9+ only. IIRC the panel fitter
configuration been very flexible ever since ILK, so the only real
difference should be which registers to write.
There is no hardware pipe scaler before gen7 (VLV/BXT). VLV +CHT
platform also can be supported on this design
with little modification. Also Letterbox/pillerbox modes can be
programmatically selected and according to proper
register write. But as far as I know old platforms has limited
functionality of panel fitting either by changing clock/ doing
nearby supported modeset. I understand fixed mode is the timing required
by panel and adjusted mode is the nearest permissive
timing available from gen platform. But using hardware scaler we don't
change timing. We keep the timing intact, but modify the
pixel data came from blender pipe. We modify the data size by
enlarging/encorching in between pipe and encoder.
- the pfiter_recalculate thing looks pretty wrong atomic wise
Sorry, I couldn't get it. Are you referring pipe scaler registers are
not written together with other registers?  pfiter_calculate only
calculate and stores the data for later commit. Please provide more
details on it.
It's going through encoder->crtc links and whanot. That's not going
to fly.
There is no use of encoder->crtc in the design, everything maintained in
drm crtc level. (Note Initial few patches using the legacy encoder->crtc
iteration to find current scaling mode). Final code will work
independently without using legacy fitting mode.
Pfit_calculate find out the pipe out size and position in panel if not
provided by user depending on the source size.
One use case for this kind of design may be following. One document
visibile on panel using several planes. Now clicking on it
will enlarge some part of the document and fit the display without
blanking (no modeset happens).And go back to original
on another double click. This is the the dynamic way we change pipe
scaler config pillerbox/letterbox etc.


Nabendu Maiti (7):
  drm/i915: Add pipe scaler pipe source drm property
  drm/i915: Add pipe_src size property calculations in atomic path.
  drm/i915: Panel fitting calculation for GEN9
  drm/i915: Adding atomic fitting mode property for GEN9
  drm/i915: Add pipe scaler co-ordinate and size property for Gen9
  drm/i915: Update pipe-scaler according to destination size
  drm/i915: Pipescaler destination size limit check on Gen9

 drivers/gpu/drm/drm_atomic.c         |  35 ++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/drm_crtc.c           |  56 +++++++++++++++
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c | 128
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_drv.h     |   3 +
 drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_panel.c   |  34 +++++++++-
 include/drm/drm_crtc.h               |  14 ++++
 include/uapi/drm/drm_mode.h          |   1 +
 7 files changed, 263 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)


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