
On 02/03/16 14:00, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
igt_create_bo_with_dimensions() is intended to abstract differences
between drivers in buffer object creation.

The driver-specific ioctls will be called if the driver that is being
tested can satisfy the needs of the calling subtest, or it will be
skipped otherwise.

Signed-off-by: Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu.viz...@collabora.com>

 lib/igt_fb.c | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 lib/igt_fb.h |  6 +++++
 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/igt_fb.c b/lib/igt_fb.c
index cd1605308308..0a3526f4e4ea 100644
--- a/lib/igt_fb.c
+++ b/lib/igt_fb.c
@@ -174,30 +174,66 @@ void igt_calc_fb_size(int fd, int width, int height, int 
bpp, uint64_t tiling,
        *size_ret = size;

+int igt_create_bo_with_dimensions(int fd, int width, int height,
+                                 uint32_t format, uint64_t modifier,
+                                 unsigned stride, unsigned *size_ret,
+                                 unsigned *stride_ret, bool *is_dumb)
+       int bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(format);
+       int bo;
+       igt_assert((modifier && stride) || (!modifier && !stride));
+       if (modifier) {
+               unsigned size, calculated_stride;
+               igt_calc_fb_size(fd, width, height, bpp, modifier, &size,
+                                &calculated_stride);
+               if (stride == 0)
+                       stride = calculated_stride;
+               if (is_dumb)
+                       *is_dumb = false;
+               if (is_i915_device(fd)) {
+                       bo = gem_create(fd, size);
+                       gem_set_tiling(fd, bo, modifier, stride);

This is broken, gem_set_tiling does not take a fb modifier but an object tiling mode.

You can demonstrate the failure if you got a Skylake system with:

tests/kms_flip_tiling --r flip-changes-tiling-Yf

I would like to be able to tell you that all subtests there should pass, since they have been at some point, but I have a feeling that there are other breakages affecting it these days. :(



+                       if (size_ret)
+                               *size_ret = size;
+                       if (stride_ret)
+                               *stride_ret = stride;
+                       return bo;
+               } else {
+                       bool driver_has_tiling_support = false;
+                       igt_require(driver_has_tiling_support);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       } else {
+               if (is_dumb)
+                       *is_dumb = true;
+               return dumb_create(fd, width, height, bpp, stride_ret, 
+       }
 /* helpers to create nice-looking framebuffers */
-static int create_bo_for_fb(int fd, int width, int height, int bpp,
+static int create_bo_for_fb(int fd, int width, int height, uint32_t format,
                            uint64_t tiling, unsigned bo_size,
                            unsigned bo_stride, uint32_t *gem_handle_ret,
-                           unsigned *size_ret, unsigned *stride_ret)
+                           unsigned *size_ret, unsigned *stride_ret,
+                           bool *is_dumb)
        uint32_t gem_handle;
        int ret = 0;
-       unsigned size, stride;
-       igt_calc_fb_size(fd, width, height, bpp, tiling, &size, &stride);
-       if (bo_size == 0)
-               bo_size = size;
-       if (bo_stride == 0)
-               bo_stride = stride;
-       gem_handle = gem_create(fd, bo_size);

-       if (tiling == LOCAL_I915_FORMAT_MOD_X_TILED)
-               ret = __gem_set_tiling(fd, gem_handle, I915_TILING_X,
-                                      bo_stride);
+       gem_handle = igt_create_bo_with_dimensions(fd, width, height, format,
+                                                  tiling, bo_stride, size_ret,
+                                                  stride_ret, is_dumb);

-       *stride_ret = bo_stride;
-       *size_ret = bo_size;
        *gem_handle_ret = gem_handle;

        return ret;
@@ -501,17 +537,14 @@ igt_create_fb_with_bo_size(int fd, int width, int height,
                           unsigned bo_stride)
        uint32_t fb_id;
-       int bpp;

        memset(fb, 0, sizeof(*fb));

-       bpp = igt_drm_format_to_bpp(format);
-       igt_debug("%s(width=%d, height=%d, format=0x%x [bpp=%d], tiling=0x%"PRIx64", 
-                 __func__, width, height, format, bpp, tiling, bo_size);
-       do_or_die(create_bo_for_fb(fd, width, height, bpp, tiling, bo_size,
+       igt_debug("%s(width=%d, height=%d, format=0x%x, tiling=0x%"PRIx64", 
+                 __func__, width, height, format, tiling, bo_size);
+       do_or_die(create_bo_for_fb(fd, width, height, format, tiling, bo_size,
                                   bo_stride, &fb->gem_handle, &fb->size,
-                                  &fb->stride));
+                                  &fb->stride, &fb->is_dumb));

        igt_debug("%s(handle=%d, pitch=%d)\n",
                  __func__, fb->gem_handle, fb->stride);
@@ -860,6 +893,7 @@ struct fb_blit_upload {
                uint32_t handle;
                unsigned size, stride;
                uint8_t *map;
+               bool is_dumb;
        } linear;

@@ -928,7 +962,8 @@ static void create_cairo_surface__blit(int fd, struct 
igt_fb *fb)
                                LOCAL_DRM_FORMAT_MOD_NONE, 0, 0,
-                               &blit->linear.stride);
+                               &blit->linear.stride,
+                               &blit->linear.is_dumb);

        igt_assert(ret == 0);

diff --git a/lib/igt_fb.h b/lib/igt_fb.h
index 4e6a76947c18..10e59deebe88 100644
--- a/lib/igt_fb.h
+++ b/lib/igt_fb.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ typedef struct _cairo cairo_t;
 struct igt_fb {
        uint32_t fb_id;
        uint32_t gem_handle;
+       bool is_dumb;
        uint32_t drm_format;
        int width;
        int height;
@@ -97,6 +98,11 @@ unsigned int igt_create_stereo_fb(int drm_fd, 
drmModeModeInfo *mode,
                                  uint32_t format, uint64_t tiling);
 void igt_remove_fb(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb);

+int igt_create_bo_with_dimensions(int fd, int width, int height, uint32_t 
+                                 uint64_t modifier, unsigned stride,
+                                 unsigned *stride_out, unsigned *size_out,
+                                 bool *is_dumb);
 /* cairo-based painting */
 cairo_t *igt_get_cairo_ctx(int fd, struct igt_fb *fb);
 void igt_paint_color(cairo_t *cr, int x, int y, int w, int h,

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