This patch adds Y-tiling support for igt_draw_rect function.

Change-Id: I139e9773b7df286febe9ffa3dce358df079dac14
Signed-off-by: Praveen Paneri <>
 lib/igt_draw.c | 148 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/igt_draw.c b/lib/igt_draw.c
index 3afb827..29a725f 100644
--- a/lib/igt_draw.c
+++ b/lib/igt_draw.c
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ static int swizzle_addr(int addr, int swizzle)
 /* It's all in "pixel coordinates", so make sure you multiply/divide by the bpp
  * if you need to. */
 static int linear_x_y_to_tiled_pos(int x, int y, uint32_t stride, int swizzle,
-                                  int bpp)
+                                  int bpp, int tiling)
        int x_tile_size, y_tile_size;
        int x_tile_n, y_tile_n, x_tile_off, y_tile_off;
@@ -146,23 +146,54 @@ static int linear_x_y_to_tiled_pos(int x, int y, uint32_t 
stride, int swizzle,
        int tiled_pos, tiles_per_line;
        int pixel_size = bpp / 8;
-       line_size = stride;
-       x_tile_size = 512;
-       y_tile_size = 8;
-       tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
-       tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
-       y_tile_n = y / y_tile_size;
-       y_tile_off = y % y_tile_size;
-       x_tile_n = (x * pixel_size) / x_tile_size;
-       x_tile_off = (x * pixel_size) % x_tile_size;
-       tile_n = y_tile_n * tiles_per_line + x_tile_n;
-       tile_off = y_tile_off * x_tile_size + x_tile_off;
-       tiled_pos = tile_n * tile_size + tile_off;
-       tiled_pos = swizzle_addr(tiled_pos, swizzle);
+       if (tiling == I915_TILING_X ) {
+               line_size = stride;
+               x_tile_size = 512;
+               y_tile_size = 8;
+               tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
+               tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
+               y_tile_n = y / y_tile_size;
+               y_tile_off = y % y_tile_size;
+               x_tile_n = (x * pixel_size) / x_tile_size;
+               x_tile_off = (x * pixel_size) % x_tile_size;
+               tile_n = y_tile_n * tiles_per_line + x_tile_n;
+               tile_off = y_tile_off * x_tile_size + x_tile_off;
+               tiled_pos = tile_n * tile_size + tile_off;
+               tiled_pos = swizzle_addr(tiled_pos, swizzle);
+       } else {
+               int x_oword_n, x_oword_off;
+               int oword_size;
+               /* Y-tile arrangement */
+               line_size = stride;
+               oword_size = 16;
+               x_tile_size = 128;
+               y_tile_size = 32;
+               tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
+               tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
+               y_tile_n = y / y_tile_size;
+               y_tile_off = y % y_tile_size;
+               x_tile_n = (x * pixel_size) / x_tile_size;
+               x_tile_off = (x * pixel_size) % x_tile_size;
+               tile_n = y_tile_n * tiles_per_line + x_tile_n;
+               /* computation inside the tile */
+               x_oword_n = x_tile_off / oword_size;
+               x_oword_off = x_tile_off % oword_size;
+               tile_off = x_oword_n * y_tile_size * oword_size
+                          + y_tile_off * oword_size
+                          + x_oword_off;
+               tiled_pos = tile_n * tile_size + tile_off;
+               tiled_pos = swizzle_addr(tiled_pos, swizzle);
+       }
        return tiled_pos / pixel_size;
@@ -170,7 +201,8 @@ static int linear_x_y_to_tiled_pos(int x, int y, uint32_t 
stride, int swizzle,
 /* It's all in "pixel coordinates", so make sure you multiply/divide by the bpp
  * if you need to. */
 static void tiled_pos_to_x_y_linear(int tiled_pos, uint32_t stride,
-                                   int swizzle, int bpp, int *x, int *y)
+                                   int swizzle, int bpp, int *x, int *y,
+                                   int tiling)
        int tile_n, tile_off, tiles_per_line, line_size;
        int x_tile_off, y_tile_off;
@@ -181,22 +213,50 @@ static void tiled_pos_to_x_y_linear(int tiled_pos, 
uint32_t stride,
        tiled_pos = swizzle_addr(tiled_pos, swizzle);
        line_size = stride;
-       x_tile_size = 512;
-       y_tile_size = 8;
-       tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
-       tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
+       if (tiling == I915_TILING_X ) {
+               x_tile_size = 512;
+               y_tile_size = 8;
+               tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
+               tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
+               tile_n = tiled_pos / tile_size;
+               tile_off = tiled_pos % tile_size;
+               y_tile_off = tile_off / x_tile_size;
+               x_tile_off = tile_off % x_tile_size;
-       tile_n = tiled_pos / tile_size;
-       tile_off = tiled_pos % tile_size;
+               x_tile_n = tile_n % tiles_per_line;
+               y_tile_n = tile_n / tiles_per_line;
+               *x = (x_tile_n * x_tile_size + x_tile_off) / pixel_size;
+               *y = y_tile_n * y_tile_size + y_tile_off;
+       } else {
+               int x_oword_n, x_oword_off;
+               int oword_size;
-       y_tile_off = tile_off / x_tile_size;
-       x_tile_off = tile_off % x_tile_size;
+               oword_size = 16;
+               x_tile_size = 128;
+               y_tile_size = 32;
+               tile_size = x_tile_size * y_tile_size;
+               tiles_per_line = line_size / x_tile_size;
-       x_tile_n = tile_n % tiles_per_line;
-       y_tile_n = tile_n / tiles_per_line;
+               tile_n = tiled_pos / tile_size;
+               tile_off = tiled_pos % tile_size;
-       *x = (x_tile_n * x_tile_size + x_tile_off) / pixel_size;
-       *y = y_tile_n * y_tile_size + y_tile_off;
+               x_tile_n = tile_n % tiles_per_line;
+               y_tile_n = tile_n / tiles_per_line;
+               x_oword_n = tile_off / (oword_size * y_tile_size);
+               x_oword_off = tile_off % oword_size;
+               x_tile_off = x_oword_n * oword_size + x_oword_off;
+               y_tile_off = (tile_off - x_oword_n * oword_size * y_tile_size)
+                            / oword_size;
+               *x = (x_tile_n * x_tile_size + x_tile_off) / pixel_size;
+               *y = y_tile_n * y_tile_size + y_tile_off;
+       }
 static void set_pixel(void *_ptr, int index, uint32_t color, int bpp)
@@ -225,14 +285,15 @@ static void draw_rect_ptr_linear(void *ptr, uint32_t 
 static void draw_rect_ptr_tiled(void *ptr, uint32_t stride, int swizzle,
-                               struct rect *rect, uint32_t color, int bpp)
+                               struct rect *rect, uint32_t color, int bpp,
+                               int tiling)
        int x, y, pos;
        for (y = rect->y; y < rect->y + rect->h; y++) {
                for (x = rect->x; x < rect->x + rect->w; x++) {
                        pos = linear_x_y_to_tiled_pos(x, y, stride, swizzle,
-                                                     bpp);
+                                                     bpp, tiling);
                        set_pixel(ptr, pos, color, bpp);
@@ -260,7 +321,11 @@ static void draw_rect_mmap_cpu(int fd, struct buf_data 
*buf, struct rect *rect,
        case I915_TILING_X:
                draw_rect_ptr_tiled(ptr, buf->stride, swizzle, rect, color,
-                                   buf->bpp);
+                                   buf->bpp, tiling);
+               break;
+       case I915_TILING_Y:
+               draw_rect_ptr_tiled(ptr, buf->stride, swizzle, rect, color,
+                                   buf->bpp, tiling);
@@ -310,7 +375,11 @@ static void draw_rect_mmap_wc(int fd, struct buf_data 
*buf, struct rect *rect,
        case I915_TILING_X:
                draw_rect_ptr_tiled(ptr, buf->stride, swizzle, rect, color,
-                                   buf->bpp);
+                                   buf->bpp, tiling);
+               break;
+       case I915_TILING_Y:
+               draw_rect_ptr_tiled(ptr, buf->stride, swizzle, rect, color,
+                                   buf->bpp, tiling);
@@ -338,7 +407,7 @@ static void draw_rect_pwrite_untiled(int fd, struct 
buf_data *buf,
 static void draw_rect_pwrite_tiled(int fd, struct buf_data *buf,
                                   struct rect *rect, uint32_t color,
-                                  uint32_t swizzle)
+                                  uint32_t swizzle, int tiling)
        int i;
        int tiled_pos, x, y, pixel_size;
@@ -362,7 +431,7 @@ static void draw_rect_pwrite_tiled(int fd, struct buf_data 
        for (tiled_pos = 0; tiled_pos < buf->size; tiled_pos += pixel_size) {
                tiled_pos_to_x_y_linear(tiled_pos, buf->stride, swizzle,
-                                       buf->bpp, &x, &y);
+                                       buf->bpp, &x, &y, tiling);
                if (x >= rect->x && x < rect->x + rect->w &&
                    y >= rect->y && y < rect->y + rect->h) {
@@ -399,7 +468,10 @@ static void draw_rect_pwrite(int fd, struct buf_data *buf,
                draw_rect_pwrite_untiled(fd, buf, rect, color);
        case I915_TILING_X:
-               draw_rect_pwrite_tiled(fd, buf, rect, color, swizzle);
+               draw_rect_pwrite_tiled(fd, buf, rect, color, swizzle, tiling);
+               break;
+       case I915_TILING_Y:
+               draw_rect_pwrite_tiled(fd, buf, rect, color, swizzle, tiling);

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