I have tried it with 6 streams MPEG2 1080P files but don't find this issue. How 
many streams are you playing?

Hai Lan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: intel-gfx-bounces+hai.lan=intel....@lists.freedesktop.org
> [mailto:intel-gfx-bounces+hai.lan=intel....@lists.freedesktop.org] On
> Behalf Of Jyotsana
> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 12:38 PM
> To: intel-gfx@lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: [Intel-gfx] Playing multiple mpg files simultaneously
> Hi,
> I am trying to run multiple mpg files simultaneously from the command line
> using "mplayer" and "libva".
> The videos run fine for a few seconds or so but then the display
> flickers and
> becomes black and ultimately the system hangs.
> This is the log given by mplayer on commad line:
> "Too many video packets in the buffer: (4096 in 1180675 bytes).
> Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
> For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.
> A:  25.8 V:  25.4 A-V:  0.399 ct:  2.006 756/756 35% 43%  3.9% 1 0"
> Multiple mp4/mov files work fine.
> I have tested this with "gstreamer-vaapi" and it gives the same result.
> PS :
> 1. Platform  :  SandyBridge
> 2. OS        :  64 bit FC 15
> 3. Packages  :  2011Q3 Packages
> 4. Mplayer   :  Downloaded from
> "http://www.splitted-desktop.com/static/libva/mplayer-vaapi/mplayer-vaap
> i-latest-FULL.tar.bz2"
> Also tested with 32-bit FC 13 and 2011Q1 Packages but it gives the same
> result.
> What could be the problem?
> I have tried with different mpg files but all give the same result.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jyotsana.
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