Dnia 2011-10-31, pon o godzinie 12:42 -0400, Adam Jackson pisze:
> On 10/29/11 9:00 AM, Jarek wrote:
> > Is there something beside the modeline, which my affect setting display
> > mode ? How to compare what is set with iegd that the display is working,
> > and how to force xf86-video-intel to do the same ?
> The first thing that comes to mind is infoframe setup for HDMI.  Is this 
> an HDMI display?

This is directly connected LCD display, shown as LVDS.

> Also, how does the output of intel_reg_dumper compare between the two 
> drivers?

As I understand, I should execute it, from running xorg. Am I right? If
I will find difference, what should I do ?

> > The modeline is exactly the same, except refresh rate, which in iegd is
> > 61Hz, and in xf86-video-intel is 61.7 - I don't think that such small
> > difference may affect the display.
> On the other hand you might be reporting the refresh rate as seen on the 
> LCD's on-screen display, if it has one, in which case it's a little 
> weirder.  That would indicate that you really are sending different 
> timings to the display, possibly because the PLL search code in iegd 
> picked a different answer. 

The refresh rate comes from Xorg.0.log. With xf86-video-intel the
display doesn't show any picture, only backlight is activated when I'm
starting X.
By the way, this MB has two LDVS outputs: LVDS1 and LVDS2. The second
one is not connected to anything, but in the log both are connected.

Jarek <ja...@poczta.srv.pl>

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