Hello All,


I cannot seem to get my dual heads working independently on my Intel Atom
N270 using the GSE chipset on Fedora 14.   I want to use dual head displays
with independent graphics where the monitors are treated like different
PC's.  All I have gotten to work is the Xinerama feature where the two heads
are treated like one large display - one left side, one right side.   The
independent feature works great with the intel i810 drivers in Fedora 5, but
no luck with the 'intel' driver yet.  This is for an NCR register (RealPos
25), and NCR tells me that feature is not supported with this driver.  I
hope that's not true.  Any help would be appreciated.  My current xorg.conf
(though there have been 100's of iterations) is attached.






Attachment: xorg.conf_NCR25
Description: Binary data

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