My hardware:
motherboard: ITOX CP330-NRM (QM57 chipset)
CPU: Intel i7-620m
video display: VGA monitor connected to VGA port on motherboard

Kernel version 2.6.37.

A kernel compiled with AGP support with Intel AGP driver, and DRI
support enabled with no drivers, boots.  X will not run with device
driver set to intel ("no mode switching driver found"), but it will
run with the driver set to vesa.

A kernel compiled with AGP support for Intel, and DRI support with the
Intel i915 driver with modeswitching enabled, crashes immediately
after LILO: I select the kernel to boot, there is a message about BIOS
checking, the screen blanks for an instant, and then the tail end of
kernel crash debugging information is displayed, with numerous
references to i915.

A kernel compiled with AGP support for Intel, and DRI support with the
Intel i915 and i830 drivers compiled as modules, boots just fine.
However, running modprobe i915 produces a series of kernel error
announcments.  After a fresh reboot, running startx with the intel
Xwindows driver, without attempting to load the i915 module manually,
results in a blank screen and an unkillable X process.

Is the QM57 chipset with the i7 mobile processor supported by the
Intel DRI kernel drivers?

Is this a known problem?

What additional information do you need from me to help diagnose this

--                                              John Stimson                              HMC Physics '94
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