Quoting Jay Sekora <jsek...@csail.mit.edu>:
Check for "space" at the end of the folder name. The columns are "tab" seperated.On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 07:15:00PM +0100, Michael Menge wrote:Quoting Jay Sekora <jsek...@csail.mit.edu>:Not the case for these: # /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist -d | grep user.[redacted].T user.[redacted].Templates 0 s [redacted] lrswipcda user.[redacted].Trash 0 s [redacted] lrswipcda (And both of those happen to be problem already-exists-but-does-not-exist folders.)
Also you can try to use "reconstruct -r user.[redacted]" or "reconstruct -u [redacted]" === !!! WARNING USE WITH CAUTION !!! ==== If you are sure that the folder does not exist anymore on the file systemand EVERTHING else failed you can try to remove the entries from the mailboxes.db.
==== #stop cyrus #create backup of your mailboxes.db ctl_mboxlist -d > /tmp/mboxlist vi /tmp/mboxlist ctl_mboxlist -u < /tmp/mboxlist # Limit access to cyrus e.g. via firewall so that you can test# if cyrus is running without any problem and nobody is creating/deleting folder # or changing acls, so that you can use your backup of your mailboxes.db in case
# somthing went wrong start cyrus ====
Jay ------------------------------------------ Cyrus: InfoPermalink: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/Te4b694eca4c5d369-Mfe826e46224ee117f1b304caDelivery options: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/subscription
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Menge Tel.: (49) 7071 / 29-70316 Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071 / 29-5912Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
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