Hi,check there is a "sendmail" compatible executable (e.g. a link to sendmail.postfix)
and the "sendmail:" option in imapd.conf (man imapd.conf) is set correctly
also testing vacation notification / automatic replies can by tricky as every sender
will only receive one notification every 7 days by default. You can use mbpath to find the mailbox data, sieve or user files paths Quoting "Dr. Thorsten Brandau via Info" <info@cyrus.topicbox.com>:
Addendum: The log file says:sieve runtime error for USERid <f120e7d1-671d-4e34-90ed-f37ab2099...@brace.de>: Vacation: Internal ErrorDr. Thorsten Brandau schrieb am 04.03.25 um 09:31:I tried to reset the password of the user to the one used in the groupware (which should be the one transmitted here), but to no change. (using passwd, not salspasswd2 as it seems to be a PAM problem, not Sasl2.Is there a way to trace this better? Or any idea if sieve needs separate password (how? where?).Check you /etc/pam.d/sieve file. In most cases this should be the same as /etc/pam.d/imap or /etc/pam.d/imaps. A softlink will workOkay, this was acutally solving the "login error"/authentification problem. Thank you.However, when I use my groupware to turn on the automatic response, I do not get an error message, but it does not work.I checked the directories under the sieve directory, and did not find an entry for the user. Same under the mail directory, even though his mails seem to populate and he can send and recieve emails.It is a new user starting with "t", but the directory user/t/ does not contain the user name. It seems to created under UUID...Sorry for all these stupud questions, but I am currently very confused.AAAND I get more confused:An OLD Account creates as it should in the sieve directory the sieve script (.bc, so compiled). However, the automatic response is not working....Cheers TB-- + This Document is confidential + Dieses Dokument ist vertraulich +->->-> Please register athttps://www.brace.de for getting always the latest news and best informations! <-<-<- * FOCUS Business Innovationschampion 2023, for development, prozesses, business model and organisation ** Awarded as "Employer of the Future" * WINNER OF THE EXPORT AWARD BAVARIA 2021 * ++++ Please visit us at those events: * InCosmetics, April 08 - April 10, 2025, Amsterdam, The Netherlands**Microencapsulation Industrial Convention, May 12-15, 2025, San Antonio, Texas, USA**IFT Show 2025, July 13-16, 2025, Chicago, IL, USAÜ *Food Ingredients Europe, Dec. 02-04, 2025 in Paris, France* ++++ BRACE GmbH Dr. Thorsten Brandau (thorsten.bran...@brace.de) President Am Mittelberg 5 D-63791 Karlstein Germany Tel: +49 6188 991757 Fax: +49 6188 991759 https://www.brace.deHRB5004 (Amtsgericht Aschaffenburg), VAT DE151299833, Managing Directors: Dr. Thorsten BrandauIMPORTANT NOTICE:This email may be confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender.------------------------------------------ Cyrus: InfoPermalink: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/Tc3db057d31794e3c-Me1dc92ca8ac5813d81b5175dDelivery options: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/subscription
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