Am Mon, 3 Mar 2025 10:43:01 +0100
schrieb "Dr. Thorsten Brandau via Info" <>:

> Thank you for the reply,
> > Cyrus is available in Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu and maybe more
> > operating systems.  
> Interesting. I checked the webpage of Debian, Ubuntu and could not
> find any information.

Check the package repo, e.g. apt search cyrus.

> Nevertheless, I am not a fan of Debian or
> Ubuntu (especially Ubuntu due to lack of updates) and prefer
> generally rolling releases. But that is just a side remark.


> > You can use Sieve and use any Sieve client to change the sieve
> > script. There seem to be old addons for TB to manage that.  
> The old addons are not working with the current version of
> Thunderbird and sieve scripts are nothing I can hand over to my
> users. And honestly I do not want to be the one switching this all
> the time for all users.

The SOGo groupware offers editing Sieve in the user's settings. Is that
an option?

> >> - - alternatively getting group-e to work with cyrus 3.10 (it can
> >> only be configured to cyrus 2.4)  
> > What doesn't work and what changed in Cyrus that broke it?  
> - Only INBOX is show, including TRASH/SENT/DRAFT but no other folder
> of that account

Looks like it doesn't subscribe to the other folders.

> - Shared folders are not show

Missing subscription.

> - Postboxes cannot be configures (e.g. rights for other users for the 
> access of joint mailboxes

Is that maybe an ACL error (check lm <mailbox> in cyradm)?

> - Auto-replys cannot be configured (time out)
> - Server-side filters cannot be configures (time out)

Is Sieve reachable?

> I configured the new sieve port (4190) but no change.

Then check the logs.

> >> - - altetnatively a recommendation for a groupeware that works with
> >> cyrus (egroupware lacks a number of features of group-e but is the
> >> closes so far, still not fully compatible with cyrus 3.10 as it
> >> seems)  
> > SOGo does. My old workplace runs that.  
> Okay, I will have a look at that.
> >> Last but not least I am lookkng for an administration/user admin
> >> tool for cyrus (group-e did that well) and did not find anything
> >> aside from cli yet  
> > cyradm for CLI exists. Any reason for not using it?  
> Insufficient documentation. I cannot find how to use it, preferably
> in a form of a "howto". I only finde the manual page on the cyrus
> website. Is there a howto or so?

This is the stuff I learned from. Which topics are missing?

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