Hello Olaf,

RFC 5703 - foreverypart and extracttext - is not implemented by Cyrus IMAP in 
any version.

RFC 5703 is also under “Wishlist” at 
 .  Previously it was incorrectly mentioned in that file as implemented.  As 
https://www.cyrusimap.org/imap/rfc-support.html shows the documentation for 
3.10.1, this link still contains the wrong information.


-----Original Message-----
From: o...@navi.pl
Reply-To: Info <info@cyrus.topicbox.com>
To: Info <info@cyrus.topicbox.com>
Subject: Sieve script - extract part of the email body
Date: 24/02/25 16:40:16

I want to extract 100 first characters from text part of e-mail. Then I want to 
put it to external program using notify extension.

I found that extracttext together with foreverypart would help me, however I 
see that cyrus doesn't support the extracttext extension (I use cyrus 3.0.13).

Does anyone know if current cyrus version supports these extensions? Looking at 
the docs, it doesn't seem to support.

Or maybe there is some other way to get part of the e-mail body into a variable.

Best regards,


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