Hi everyone.

One user with I don't know what, and I don't know how was able to create a
recursive tree of mailbox:

  user.toto.mailbox1.mailbox2.mailbox1.mailbox2. ...etc
  user.toto.mailbox1.mailbox3.mailbox1.mailbox3. etc..

I was able to manually destroy almost all the mailboxes.....but few remain
undeleteable...meaning I cannot see them with 

  cyradm + lm user.toto.*

so for the user it's ok.

But if I do a 
  ctl_mboxlist -d

I can definitively see them. 

I was also unable to remove those mailboxes by

  ctl_mboxlist -d > list.json
  vi list.json  + remove those mailboxes
  ctl_mboxlist -u < list.json

At the end I do something mark «as not to do» such as

  systemctl stop cyrus-imapd
  ctl_mboxlist -d > list.json
  vi list.json + remove those mailboxes
  rm -rf MAILBOX/uuid/*/*/uniqueid of those mailboxes
  ctl_mboxlist -u < list.json -f /tmp/mailboxes.db
  mv /tmp/mailboxes.db /var/lib/cyrus
  chown cyrus:mail /var/lib/cyrus/mailboxes.db
  systemctl start cyrus-imapd

now I don't see them anymore....piouff...

But I'm now worry I introduce some inconsistency somewhere. 

Is they are any tool I can check every db and their relations to check
everything is ok ? 


Albert SHIH 🦫 🐸
Heure locale/Local time:
ven. 15 nov. 2024 00:23:35 CET

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