Le 07/11/2024 à 16:11:31+0100, Jean Charles Delépine via Info a écrit

Hi everyone. 

> > > This sounds like the following change from the 3.6 release notes (https://
> > > www.cyrusimap.org/dev/imap/download/release-notes/3.6/x/3.6.0.html):
> > 
> > thank, I know this point. In fact my question is not about what I see on
> > the FS but indeed with cyradm tools.
> > 
> > Before in 3.0 they are not a foler/mailbox called shared.
> > 
> > Currently I got a mailbox called shared.
> Maybe you are using altnamespace and you weren't ?
>  altnamespace: 1
>     Use the alternate IMAP namespace, where personal folders reside  at
>     the same level in the hierarchy as INBOX.
>     This  option  ONLY  applies where interaction takes place with  the
>     client/user.  Currently this is limited to the IMAP protocol
>     (imapd) and Sieve scripts (lmtpd).  This option does NOT apply to
>     admin tools such as cyradm (admins ONLY),  reconstruct, quota, etc.,
>     NOR does it affect LMTP delivery of messages  directly to mailboxes
>     via  plus-addressing.   The  default changed in 3.0 from off to
>     on.
>  sharedprefix: Shared Folders
>     If using the alternate IMAP namespace, the prefix for  the shared
>     namespace.  The hierarchy delimiter will be automatically  appended.

Thanks for the help but no, I didn't change the config for those kind of
thing. And just to be 100% sure. I just checked again. I don't use

For what I understand, if I change this altnamespace to true (as default
now) my user would see some CHANGE....and that is something they don't like

So I keep it exact same config as before. 

Is they are any «problem» to have a mailbox called shared ?> lm shared
shared (\HasChildren)> lam shared>

root@imap:~# /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/mbpath shared
root@imap:~# cd /bals/uuid/o/m/om2uth6kko5uaghy96e8pogd/
root@imap:/bals/uuid/o/m/om2uth6kko5uaghy96e8pogd# ls -l
total 10
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail 164 Oct 11 10:02 cyrus.header
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail 160 Oct 11 10:02 cyrus.index

knowing I didn't put any acl on it...so no one would be able to do


Albert SHIH 🦫 🐸
Observatoire de Paris
Heure locale/Local time:
jeu. 07 nov. 2024 22:14:27 CET

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