I believe the -D on the command line is when you run cyrus-imapd from a console 
& it logs the output to the console. 

If you want debug enabled in your imapd.conf add
debug: 1

There is also an entry "syslog_prefix: cyrus"
If your running syslog or syslog-ng make sure there is a rule for cyrus, or 
change the syslog_prefix: to some other prefix set up in your syslog conf. file.

If you still don't see debug log entries you can try running master from a 
console with the -d (lower case) which will run the process in the foreground & 
you can see any logging messages from the console.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Hotlab <andrew.hot...@hotmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2024 9:57 AM
To: Mark Cammidge <m...@peralex.com>
Cc: info@cyrus.topicbox.com
Subject: Re: Logging level per

Thank you Mark. I tried to set the "debug" option, but it didn't change the log 
level. However, in my "cyrus.conf" I read that imapd(8) is launched without the 
"-D" parameter.

From: Mark Cammidge <m...@peralex.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 3:10 PM
To: andrew.hot...@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Logging level per

On 2024-10-21 17:30, quoth 
Hi to all! Just testing Cyrus-IMAP 3.10.0 on FreeBSD 13.4. I didn't find in the 
docs how to set the logging level, in imapd.conf I only have this line:

syslog_facility: mail

Also have a look at the

debug: 0

option.  Details in the imapd.conf man page.

If you want to change the settings for individual sub-programs (imap, pop, 
https, etc.), you can prefix the name of that app in the conf file:

So for instance, to change the certificate file for just imap, and not pop, you 
could use:

imap_tls_server_cert: /var/imap/imap.cert

I imagine (I haven't tested) that you should be able to add:

pop3_syslog_debug: mail2
pop3_debug: 1

or something like that to your imapd.conf file to change the settings for only 
the pop3 app.

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