Hi,check if the mails are flagged as \Deleted. Some Clients do not show these mails by default.
You use mbexamine to see the number of Mails Flagged as \Deleted withmbexamine "user/loginID" | grep -e "^ Deleted: " -e "Mailbox Size:" -e "^Examining "
or which mails are flagged as deleted with " mbexamine "user/loginID" | grep -B3 "FLAG_DELETED" Which cyrus version are you using. Quoting Marcus Schopen <li...@localguru.de>:
Hi, in a user's INBOX folder are about 10k files in the cyrus spool, all deleted. The folder is shown as empty in different clients. New incoming mails are displayed correctly. An unexpunge -l shows only about 20 deleted newser files. It seems that almost all files are not present in cyrus.index and that there are orphaned mails in files system. I don't want to reconstruct the folder as this will restore all mails. How do I delete all files in a folder that are not listed in the index, so that the folder is also emptied file system too. Cheers Marcus ------------------------------------------ Cyrus: InfoPermalink: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/Td104cee5e7304809-M40f71704ec59431b8858062fDelivery options: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/subscription
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Menge Tel.: (49) 7071 / 29-70316 Universität Tübingen Fax.: (49) 7071 / 29-5912Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstraße 76 72074 Tübingen
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