Hello! I am using 3.6.1-4+deb12u3 and Thunderbird for Calendar. If I plan a meeting in the calendar, Cyrus itself (not TB) tries to send from mm@internal to the SMTP server. This will of course intentionally fail.
Where is the place to set that address? My username for cyrus is mm without a domain part. In TB I set up my normal IMAP/SMTP account and this account with the proper mail address is selected in the calendar settings. Although, the participant field already includes mm@internal. Is that coming from Cyrus or from TB? -- kind regards Marco ------------------------------------------ Cyrus: Info Permalink: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/T005e37dde3985398-M91adee3ce8f1588a7586898e Delivery options: https://cyrus.topicbox.com/groups/info/subscription