haomiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Feb 20, 3:16 pm, Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Try this instead:
>> (defun gnus-user-format-function-z (header)
>>   "Test dynamic color"
>>   (let ((date-time (safe-date-to-time (mail-header-date header))))
>>     (if (string= date-time (format-time-string "%m%d"))
>>         (propertize date-time 'face my-red-face)
>>       (propertize date-time 'face my-blue-face))))
>> And define `my-red-face' and `my-blue-face'.
> Still not worked, my code is
> --------------
> (copy-face 'default 'my-red-face)
> (set-face-foreground 'my-red-face "red")
> (copy-face 'default 'my-blue-face)
> (set-face-foreground 'my-blue-face "blue")
> (defun gnus-user-format-function-a (header)
>    "Test dynamic color"
>    (let  ((date-time (format-time-string "%m/%d" (safe-date-to-time
> (mail-header-date header)))))
>       (if (string= date-time (format-time-string "%m/%d"))
>          (propertize date-time 'face 'my-red-face 'mouse-face 'my-blue-
> face)
>          (propertize date-time 'face 'my-blue-face 'mouse-face 'my-red-
> face))))
> (setq gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%z %ua: %1{%B%-23,23n%} %s\n")
> -------------
> It seems that gnus will modify the face property of the text
> returned,  but not the mouse-face property.

I tested and you're right, the 'mouse-face property is okay, but not the
'face property.  There is something weird in there.

Does someone can investigate this problem?


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