
Am 02.02.20 um 03:35 Uhr schrieb Matthew Schumacher:
> Anyone see this before?  For some reason I simply can't subscribe to my
> folders.  Looking at it from the protocol level:
> a list (subscribed) "" "*"
> returns
> .....
> * LIST (\Subscribed \HasNoChildren) "/" Vendors/Tools
> * LIST (\Subscribed \HasNoChildren) "/" Vendors/Travel
> * LIST (\Subscribed \HasNoChildren) "/" cron

just a guess, but isn't LSUB the command for listing subscribed
mailboxes? I'm not actually sure it makes a difference, but you should
give it a try ...

    .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
                 .:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
   .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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