Hi James,

Quoting "James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus" <info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu>:

We are transferring an existing cyrus-imapd 3.0.11 mailstore to
another host also running cyrus-imapd 3.0.11.  I cannot find any
documentation on how one transfers user quotas.  Can someone provide
me with the link to the documentation or explain how it is done?


Cyrus stores important information in different paths.
See imapd.conf manpage:

<configdirectory>/mailboxes.db: list of all mailboxes and acls
<configdirectory>/annotations.db: mailbox Annotations
<configdirectory>/deliver.db: Information about recent delivered mails
(needed for duplicate delivery suppression and sieve vacation)
<configdirectory>/user/**: subscribed folders and seen information
<configdirectory>/quota/**: Quota-Information

sievedir: Sieve Scripts

Depending on the configured partitions one ore more

partition-<name>: Mailboxes/Mails of the users on the partition <name>

and optional

metapartition-<name>: Meta-Files of the Mailboxes on the partition <name>
archivepartition-<name>: Old Mails of Mailboxes on the partition <name>

You can use cyrus-replication to transfer all user/information to the
second server and keep them in sync.



M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung mail: michael.me...@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
Wächterstraße 76
72074 Tübingen

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