And this is even more exciting and I'd love to know the version!


On Fri, Jul 12, 2019, at 23:33, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> By the way I think I found some more…..
> When a sync_client in user mode… creates a non existing user in the replica… 
> if the user has a dot… the quota gets properly created, but seen, sub files 
> are wrongly created… for instance….
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 2576528 Jul 12 13:03 f.veiga.conversations
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 88 Jul 12 13:03 f.veiga.counters
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 451 Jul 12 10:43 f.veiga.sub
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 16 Jul 12 01:32 f.veiga.xapianactive
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 2584 Apr 3 01:48 f^veiga.seen
> -rw------- 1 cyrus cyrus 316 Apr 3 01:48 f^veiga.sub
> The Apr 3 files are from the initial sync when the box was empty… the first 
> ones (with the dot and not ^) are the actual files being used by Cyrus…. And 
> updated with the replication and so…
> It seems this to be the reason because I didn’t see in the initial sync any 
> subscribed folders… but later when set them from a mua where properly 
> replicated…
> With Sieve seemed to happen something similar… but in this case with the ‘^’ 
> and ‘.’ In the directory name….
> It’s like the name used for creating the subscribing and seen databases in a 
> user mode replication was not properly handled by Cyrus… because it does the 
> same as with quota database with indeed with ‘^’ is properly created….
> Thanks! Bye!
> sarenet
> *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea*
> Dpto. de sistemas
> 944 209 470
> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
>> El 10 jul 2019, a las 11:39, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea <> 
>> escribió:
>> Hi!
>> It happens with any folder… in fact Trash is not the folder we would 
>> announce in special-use as Trash… it’s just a normal folder really here…. 
>> It’s a generally happening thing with rename of folders inside the own 
>> hierarchy inside the own user… (don’t really know if a rename mailbox for 
>> changing partition would have the same issue). Not something related to the 
>> Trash folder...
>> Cheers!
>> sarenet
>> *Egoitz Aurrekoetxea*
>> Dpto. de sistemas
>> 944 209 470
>> Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
>> 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
>> Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
>>> El 10 jul 2019, a las 11:34, Sebastian Hagedorn <> 
>>> escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm curious if this only happens for rename to trash, or for all renames
>>> of subscribed folders. IMHO it makes no sense to automatically subscribe
>>> to a folder in the trash. So perhaps the bug isn't in the replication
>>> code but rather in the handling of rename to trash?
>>> Am 10.07.19 um 11:11 Uhr schrieb Egoitz Aurrekoetxea:
>>>> About the folder subscription issue, I think I got something, at least a
>>>> close approximation... When a user causes in mua a rename mailbox (a
>>>> rename for a folder caused by a folder move in hierarchy), after the own
>>>> rename, if folders were subscribed “should” (for the "plain user" at
>>>> least) become subscribed in the new path. It seems that after a user
>>>> rename in Cyrus the new folder is automatically subscribed (even if no
>>>> subscribe command is sent by the mua). But this, does not cause in the
>>>> replica (in the slave, if SUB is not sent by the client)
>>>> a sync_apply_changesub() or something like entering in the
>>>> “ move_subscription” condition in mboxlist_renamemailbox(), and then,
>>>> the folder is properly renamed but not subscribed in the slave. I think
>>>> this is what I’m suffering. Obviously, if after a rename the mua sends a
>>>> subscribe too, no issue is seen. I think the problem happens when a
>>>> mailbox rename happens and a SUB is not send later.
>>>> An example : 
>>>> The folder
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Archives.2019.TRAFICO.CHINA.XINGANG
>>>> is moved (renamed) to trash.
>>>> May 16 16:16:50 mx6c imap[83976]: conversations_rename_folder: renamed
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Archives.2019.TRAFICO.CHINA.XINGANG
>>>> to <>!user.parta^partb.Trash.XINGANG
>>>> May 16 16:16:50 mx6c imap[83976]: Rename:
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Archives.2019.TRAFICO.CHINA.XINGANG
>>>> -> <>!user.parta^partb.Trash.XINGANG
>>>> May 16 16:16:50 mx6c imap[83976]: Deleted mailbox
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Archives.2019.TRAFICO.CHINA.XINGANG
>>>> In the master (sync), the folder in Trash is subscribed but in the slave
>>>> it is not, and remains subscribed the folder in the original location in
>>>> the “____.sub” file.
>>>> A diff between the master (replication client) .sub file and the slave’s
>>>> one is (mx5 is the master, the client and 6 the slave): 
>>>> --- subscripciones-mx5c/parta.partb.sub2019-07-10 08:47:29.000000000 +0200
>>>> +++ subscripciones-mx6c/parta.partb.sub2019-07-10 08:48:08.000000000 +0200
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Archives.2019.TRAFICO.CHINA.XINGANG
>>>> <>!user.parta^partb.Trash.XINGANG
>>>> Perhaps a move_subscription to one or sync_apply_changesub should be
>>>> forced in order to fix it?. I have seen issues with Outlook 2016 and
>>>> Thunderbird… both mua… perhaps by RFC they should send the SUB command
>>>> but… it’s the only theory I could arrive to… I have a ton more cases
>>>> like this one.. Data gets properly handled but subscriptions have this
>>>> issue (perhaps we could say is a mua issue but….)..
>>> <0x197B06994D105B45.asc><Hagedorn.vcf>
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