Dear Cyrus-imap friends and Sylvain,

Without further info, I cannot tell you what is wrong or why your script is not 

Is there a way to debug sieve?

I can only confirm that the following is working in my case:

vacation :days 5 :addresses [“", “"] 
:subject “I'm out of office"

Maybe you need to specify addresses?, though it is not logical.

Wiel Offermans

> On 16 May 2019, at 11:49, Sylvain <> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm testing Cyrus 3 on the future debian 10 that will be soon released.
> Vacation sieve scripts seem not to run. Other scripts do.
> For example, this one will never send vacation messages to sender :
> require ["vacation"];
> vacation :days 1 :subject "OUTOFTHEOFFICE" "I AM OUT OF THE OFFICE";
> But this one will reject the mail :
> require ["reject","fileinto"];
> if address :is :all "From" " <>"
> {
>     reject "testing";
> }
> Of course I double checked that the vacation script is activated, and I 
> change the from address at each test. I use sieveshell to put them.
> Anyone can reproduce this ?
> Any idea to debug this situation?
> Thanks
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