Le 08/10/2018 à 10:36:10+0200, Albert Shih a écrit
Hi everyone,

I still got my problem :
> I got two level of synchro:
>     master --- sync --> imap-mirror-1 --- sync --> imap-mirror-2
> The first level work fine, the second level (imap-mirror-1 --> imap-mirror-2)
> crash sometime ago.
> Now I try to restart the sync, and currently I'm not sure it's working, in
> the imap-mirror-1 I got
>   [root@imap-mirror-1 /var/imap/sync/log]# ls -l
>   total 133519
>   -rw-------  1 cyrus  cyrus   16080624 Oct  8 10:27 log
>   -rw-------  1 cyrus  cyrus  256631941 Oct  3 16:39 log-run
>   [root@imap-mirror-1 /var/imap/sync/log]# top
> When I restart the imap daemon on both mirror, I see a sync_client on the
> imap-mirror-1 and imapd on the imap-mirror-2 at 100% during sometime ( 4
> days), now I still got the
>     /var/imap/sync/log/log-run
> file and the
>     /var/imap/sync/log/log
> who still growing up, but very few activity on those mirror.

But it seem the sync working, but it's very slow and stop very often. So
how can I speedup me sync, knowning at this speed I will never end the sync
because the


still growing up. So if it wait the end of


I don't see how this going to happen.

So is they are any way to synchronise what's in the


manually without waiting the imap daemon to launch the sync.

Other question, at this time (during the sync of log-run) can I restart the
imap daemon without breaking everything ?


Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
Mon Oct 15 13:12:05 CEST 2018
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