after migrating from cyrus-imapd-2.4.17 to cyrus-imapd-3.0.6 we cannot
view (other) users subfolders.

Cyrus version: cyrus-imapd-3.0.6

imapd-3.0.5.conf attached

In the test environment we created a user named "aaa" and "bbb", then
we created the folder "bbb/mytest/mysubtest". We set the acl for the
user aaa to share the mailbox bbb/mytest/mysubtest

user.aaa        0 default aaa   lrswipkxtecdan  anonymous       p
user.bbb        0 default bbb   lrswipkxtecdan  anonymous       p
        aaa     lrswipkxtecdan
user.bbb.mytest 0 default bbb   lrswipkxtecdan  anonymous       p
        aaa     lrswipkxtecdan
user.bbb.mytest.mysubtest       0 default 
        bbb   lrswipkxtecdan
        anonymous       p       
        aaa     lrswipkxtecdan

From whatever imap client, when we search for new folders, user.bbb
appears, but neither user.bbb.mytest nor user.bbb.mytest.mysubtest.

This is the capture from imapd 3.0.6:

IMAP> 62 LIST "" "user/%" 
IMAP< * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/bbb 
IMAP< 62 OK Completed (0.001 secs 3 calls) 
IMAP> 63 LIST "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 63 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 64 LSUB "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 64 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 65 LSUB "" "user/%" 
IMAP< 65 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 66 LSUB "" "%" 
IMAP< * LSUB (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" INBOX 
IMAP< 66 OK Completed (0.000 secs 4 calls) 
IMAP< 16 OK Success 
IMAP> 67 SUBSCRIBE "user/bbb" 
IMAP< 67 OK Completed 
IMAP> 68 LSUB "" "%" 
IMAP< * LSUB (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" INBOX 
IMAP< * LSUB (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" user 
IMAP< 68 OK Completed (0.001 secs 5 calls) 
IMAP> 69 LSUB "" "INBOX/%" 
IMAP< * LSUB () "/" INBOX/Drafts 
IMAP> 74 LSUB "" "user/%" 
IMAP< * LSUB () "/" user/bbb 
IMAP< 74 OK Completed (0.001 secs 1 calls) 
IMAP> 75 LSUB "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 75 OK Completed (0.001 secs)

Refreshing only the  user.bbb folders nothing changed

IMAP> 83 LIST "" "user/%" 
IMAP< * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/bbb 
IMAP< 83 OK Completed (0.001 secs 3 calls) 
IMAP> 84 LIST "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 84 OK Completed (0.001 secs) 
IMAP> 85 LSUB "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 85 OK Completed (0.001 secs) 
IMAP> 86 LSUB "" "user/%" 
IMAP< * LSUB () "/" user/bbb 
IMAP< 86 OK Completed (0.001 secs 1 calls)

With net-mail/cyrus-imapd-2.4.17 all is working fine 

imapd-2.4.17.conf attached

user.aaa        0 default aaa   lrswipkxtecda   anonymous       p
user.bbb        0 default bbb   lrswipkxtecda   anonymous       p
        aaa     lrswipkxtecda
user.bbb.mytest 0 default bbb   lrswipkxtecda   anonymous       p
        aaa     lrswipkxtecda
user.bbb.mytest.mysubtest       0 default bbb   lrswipkxtecda
        anonymous       p
        aaa     lrswipkxtecda

if we search for new folders to subscribe user/bbb and all the
subfolders appeared

IMAP> 57 LIST "" "user/%" 
IMAP< * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/bbb 
IMAP< 57 OK Completed (0.000 secs 3 calls) 
IMAP> 58 LIST "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< * LIST (\HasChildren) "/" user/bbb/mytest 
IMAP< 58 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 
IMAP> 59 LIST "" "user/bbb/mytest/%" 
IMAP< * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" user/bbb/mytest/mysubtest 
IMAP< 59 OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls) 
IMAP> 60 LIST "" "user/bbb/mytest/mysubtest/%" 
IMAP< 60 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 61 LSUB "" "user/bbb/mytest/mysubtest/%" 
IMAP< 61 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 62 LSUB "" "user/bbb/mytest/%" 
IMAP< 62 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 63 LSUB "" "user/bbb/%" 
IMAP< 63 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 64 LSUB "" "user/%" 
IMAP< 64 OK Completed (0.000 secs) 
IMAP> 65 LSUB "" "%" 
IMAP< * LSUB (\Noselect \HasChildren) "/" INBOX 
IMAP< 65 OK Completed (0.000 secs 4 calls) 
IMAP< 66 OK Completed 
IMAP> 67 SUBSCRIBE "user/bbb" 
IMAP< 67 OK Completed 
IMAP> 68 SUBSCRIBE "user/bbb/mytest/mysubtest" 
IMAP< 68 OK Completed 
IMAP> 69 SUBSCRIBE "user/bbb/mytest" 
IMAP< 69 OK Completed

Any suggestion?

Thanks for the support

Attachment: imapd-2.4.17.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: imapd-3.0.5.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpDEDEAVKpg8.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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