
When moving from U Washington IMAP to Cyrus more than ten years ago I stumbled upon

a limited number of mailbox names containing characters not allowed in Cyrus as per the

GOODCHARS definition in imap/mboxname.c

I added    ()*?;[]%<>    to this string, tested, ran into no issues, so we went into production

with this change.

We are now planning a Cyrus upgrade, a move to Debian based Cyrus package is likely.

This will however imply adhering to the default GOODCHARS definition as of then.

Q : it's okay for us to have the users being unable to create new mailboxes with the now

      "illegal" chars but are we likely to run into trouble with existing mailbox names ?

Corollary question : is there a Cyrus 3.0.x package our for any Linux distro ?

I find a packaged 2.5.10-3 for Debian 9  "Stretch"


Eric Luyten, Computing Centre VUB/ULB.

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