On 01/22/2018 06:02 PM, Heiler Bemerguy via Info-cyrus wrote:
Em 22/01/2018 18:46, Dan White escreveu:
On 01/22/18 17:44 -0300, Heiler Bemerguy via Info-cyrus wrote:
imap_renamemailbox($mbox, "$mailbox", "$mailbox"."TODELETE")

Was this performed as an admin?

Yes. In a huge list of imap accounts I THOUGHT were unused

Some mailboxes were erroneusly renamed to "loginTODELETE" and I need to put them back to the original name.

I reverted this command, like: imap_renamemailbox($mbox, "$mailbox"."TODELETE", "$mailbox")

And the mailbox seems to be there with the correct name. It lists all folders, but they all show up as EMPTY.

We use roundcube as client and it always says "no messages was found"

I've already tried like "cyrus reconstruct -r -f user/personlogin" with no luck !!!

What is your Cyrus version, and what does a sanitized copy of your
imapd.conf look like?
configdirectory: /var/lib/cyrus
proc_path: /dev/shm/cyrus/proc
mboxname_lockpath: /dev/shm/cyrus/lock
defaultpartition: default
partition-default: /var/spool/cyrus/mail
partition-news: /var/spool/cyrus/news
newsspool: /var/spool/news
altnamespace: no
unixhierarchysep: yes
reject8bit: yes
lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
admins: admin
allowanonymouslogin: no
popminpoll: 0
autocreate_quota: 0
umask: 077
hashimapspool: true
allowplaintext: yes
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
lmtp_strict_quota: 1
allowusermoves: true

If you have unixhierarchysep turned off, then you'd want:

cyrreconstruct -r -f user.personlogin

Please make sure you have a backup of the current state of your mailstore
before proceeding, in addition to whatever backups you had prior to

I've done that. But in the cyrus.header, the "todelete" is still there, although in lower case..
I think that is the big problem!!

The '^' implies you have unixhierarchysep turned off, based on this:


See the /doc/internal documentation within the source as well.

iury.pintotodelete      lrswipkxtecda

But it is enabled.. should I disable it or what?
I just renamed another imap account from "loginTODELETE" to "login" and even after Reconstruct, it shows on cyrus.header:

    root@mailer:/var/spool/cyrus/mail/a/user/ana^claudia# cat cyrus.header
    Cyrus mailbox header
    "The best thing about this system was that it had lots of goals."
             --Jim Morris on Andrew
    user.ana^claudia        2696fec95963d41f
    $MDNSent $Forwarded
    ana.claudiatodelete     lrswipkxtecda

Is this incorrect header file that is causing all this users folders to appears as empty ?? why reconstruct isnt' fixing it ??!

The way I interpret it is that the / means unixhierarchysep is on.

Just tested this on 2.4.18 and the same thing happens. When you rename back no messages are listed and reconstruct does nothing.

Atenciosamente / Best Regards,

Heiler Bemerguy
Network Manager - CINBESA
55 91 98151-4894/3184-1751

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