On 01/17/2018 06:33 AM, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

A new customer asks me to build a new mailserver environment with
Dovecot. I normally use Cyrus.

My question: What's better in Cyrus?

I thought the plan was to answer that question on the website, but I guess that hasn't happened yet – at least I couldn't find anything.

I'd say it's the better choice for large-scale deployments with tens and hundreds of thousands of users.
Cyrus does not require creating users on the mail server which I have always believed is a big security plus.

I use Cyrus because Dovecot did not excist at the time I wanted to go
away from Washington IMAP.

I'm in the same boat.
The same kind of thing for me because there was not much around in the late 90's in the way of IMAP servers.

An important reason to stay with Cyrus is
this mailing list with good support, and because I know Cyrus.

Right, but for a new deployment I would at least consider Dovecot. I've never administrated a Dovecot server, but it is definitely much easier to set up than Cyrus.
I am not so sure about that now.
I have been asked to provide support to a Rube Goldberg style of mail setup and trying to track the installation and configuration of dovecot in a multidomain, virtual-user setup was crazy. It seemed like there were dozens of config files spread over the file system.

Dovecot is kind of like Postfix.
Once upon a time it was a simple little application to solve a smallish application domain but as the requirements grew creeping features created an overly complex rats nest of config options and data sources.

I believe Cyrus was designed to solve the mailstore problem at scale from the outset.

Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121, Zimmer 2.02
Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK)
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-470-89578

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