Title: Untitled Document
Hello list.

I send the following some years ago and still facing same problem again:

I use rsync to backup cyrus mail dirs using the following command:

rsync -vaR --delete --log-file=/var/log/rsync /var/lib/imap /var/spool/imap/ /mnt/backup

The destination is a WD external network drive in unknown format, probably ntfs.
The problem I have is that rsync change email names from, lets say 102. to 2RB3UX~6.

The external disk cant change from ntfs to other format.

Does someone had the same problem?
Thank you in advance.

Γατσής Νίκος - Gatsis Nikos
Web developer
tel.: 2108256721 - 2108256722
fax: 2108256712
email: ngat...@qbit.gr

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