On Wed, Apr 19, 2017, at 10:51, Frederik Himpe wrote:
> Sometimes I see in the logs messages like this: "same message appears 
> twice 2394 2395". Looking at the source code, it does not appear to be
> a big problem, but I am not sure. Does this indicate a real problem?
> Should I run cyrreconstruct on the affected mailbox, and which options
> do you recommend?

When a new message is appended to a mailbox, Cyrus checks if the hash
(SHA1) of the message content matches the latest stored message in this
mailbox. This log message is printed when the hashes match. Since you
see this log message only sometimes, I wouldn't think it's a problem. It
indicates that some client might call APPEND for the same message twice
or more often, though.

I can't imagine that cyrreconstruct will make a difference, except if
your mailbox index is broken. 

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