Having repeatedly experienced the "status 71" issue, I've been
incrementally bumping it's value up. It's currently set to 32768 (!)
and that value was in place when it most recently failed.
On 10/25/16 4:21 PM, Shawn Bakhtiar via Info-cyrus wrote:
Hmmmm.. if that’s the case could you be hitting the the maximum number
of accepts??
Check the kern.ipc.soacceptqueue section of the FreeBSD handbook
Given the load you described perhaps 128 is just not enough?
On Oct 24, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Eric Cunningham via Info-cyrus
<mailto:info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu>> wrote:
Eric Cunningham
Information Services - http://whoi-it.whoi.edu
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - http://www.whoi.edu
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1541 phone: (508) 289-2224
fax: (508) 457-2174 e-mail: ecunning...@whoi.edu
On 10/24/2016 03:45 PM, Bron Gondwana via Info-cyrus wrote:
On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, at 02:45, Eric Cunningham via Info-cyrus wrote:
Hi list, we're running cyrus imap 2.5.9 built from the FreeBSD 10-2
(release-p7) ports tree.
The cyrus master process is failing periodically (every 1-2 weeks) as
Oct 22 07:38:48 imap1 master[7767]: process type:SERVICE name:imaps
path:/usr/local/cyrus/bin/imapd age:305.215s pid:32760 exited, status 71
Oct 22 07:38:48 imap1 master[7767]: service imaps/ipv4 pid 32760 in
READY state: terminated abnormally
Oct 22 07:38:48 imap1 master[7767]: too many failures for service
imaps/ipv4, disabling until next SIGHUP
This prevents new connections by clients until cyrus is restarted. I've
looked around the web but have not seen this issue reported.
A little background:
Our initial thought on this was that we were running out of listen
queues so have upped that incrementally from the default of 32 to a
current setting of 32768 via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/imapd using the -l
option, with increased kern.ipc.soacceptqueue set to 32768, but that
hasn't helped. Sometimes the "status 71" occurs during periods of light
use during off hours, like on Saturday mornings.
We have ~1400 imap accounts, though the number of impad processes hovers
around 3,000-4,000. There have been spikes observed as high as 12,000
imapd processes. In that particular case, 1 user had 2 imap clients
accounting for near 6,000 of those connections. We've attempted to
limit these high numbers using the following imapd.conf values:
maxlogins_per_host: 50
maxlogins_per_user: 30
tcp_keepalive: 1
tcp_keepalive_cnt: 1
tcp_keepalive_idle: 30
tcp_keepalive_intvl: 900
However, it seems that once these were reached, no new connections were
permitted and resulted in all manner of user complaints about not being
able to get at their email.
Any ideas on this "status 71" issue? Could an upgrade to 2.5.10
possibly address this? Thanks!
EX_OSERR (71) An operating system error has been
detected. This
is intended to be used for such things as
fork'', ``cannot create pipe'', or the
like. It
includes things like getuid returning a
user that
does not exist in the passwd file.
So the question is: what failed? Is there anything earlier in the
log to suggest
what the imapd was doing when it died?
Using the example I posted, I traced back imaps process id 32760 and
found only this:
Oct 22 07:38:48 imap1 imaps[32760]: accept failed: Software caused
connection abort
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