It smells like maybe you have improved_mboxlist_sort set to the wrong value 
and hence it's unable to see the mailbox at all!  This is really bogus of the 
way that
mailboxes are stored, and I have master plans of fixing it better... *sigh*


On Sat, Dec 26, 2015, at 02:47, Patrick Goetz via Info-cyrus wrote:
> When I upgraded from 2.4.17 to 2.5.3, I had one user who experienced 
> inaccessible mail folders post upgrade.  Running reconstruct:
>     # systemctl stop cyrus-master
>     # su - cyrus
>     # /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/reconstruct -r -f user/djones
>     # <Ctrl>-d
>     # systemctl start cyrus-master
> temporarily resolved the problem, but then it came back, so I thought 
> this might be a 2.5.3 bug.  I just upgraded to 2.5.7, and the problem 
> persists.  Furthermore, running reconstruct no longer brings the mail 
> messages back and I get the following error messages during the 
> reconstruction on precisely the folders which are not accessible:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> user/djones/World Mission Conference
> user/djones/World Mission Conference/2008
> user/djones/World Mission Conference/2011
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Keely Davis: Mailbox already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Lauren Kelsey: Mailbox already 
> exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Stacey Williams: Mailbox 
> already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Drew Smith: Mailbox already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Whitney: Mailbox already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Delia Alexander: Mailbox 
> already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Whitney Howell: Mailbox already 
> exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Former Staff: Mailbox already 
> exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Julia Miller: Mailbox already 
> exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Weekly Reports: Mailbox already 
> exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Eleanor Meuller: Mailbox 
> already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Corrine Smith.Inquiries: 
> Mailbox already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Corrine Smith.Destruction: 
> Mailbox already exists
> createmailbox user.djones.Archives Staff.Corrine Smith.SharePoint: 
> Mailbox already exists
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The folders and files in the filesystem look completely ordinary and 
> have the correct permissions.  However, under user/djones, this user has 
> the following mail folders:
> drwx------  18 cyrus mail   98304 Dec  7 11:11 Archives Staff
> drwx------   5 cyrus mail    4096 Oct  3 05:21 Archives Staff Retreat
> Now I'm starting to wonder if there isn't some kind of folder name 
> length bug at work here (maybe just in reconstruct?) so that the mail 
> folders
>    Archives Staff
>    Archives Staff Retreat
> are being seen by reconstruct as the same folder?
> I'm kind of grasping at straws here, unfortunately.  Last time this 
> happened, Bron suggested that I needed to set up logging with debugging 
> turned on.  If this is the only way to get to the bottom of this, I 
> guess I'll have to do that.  (Since the mail server is a systemd system, 
> traditional syslog logging is not turned on by defaul and will require 
> some effort to enable.)
> ----
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