For those of you not following FastMail's Advent calendar (shame on you, surely 
you don't have anything better to do), I posted this today:

For all that we haven't done another beta release for ages (mainly because 
putting the changelog together is SO MUCH WORK because we're changing so much 
right now)

The project feels a little dead in this list, but there's actually heaps going 
on.  Robert S's JMAP changes are really exciting and recently landed on master. 
 Ken's added a dropbox style WebDAV storage backend, and is working on the 
latest changes coming out of CalConnect (Neil and I will also be attending the 
CalConnect conference in January.

I've also posted about another change recently:

This deprecates foolstupidclients, disable_{user|shared}_namespace, 
imapmagicplus (kinda).  Basically all the hacks to make LIST fast on big 
servers are gone, because LIST doesn't need to scan all those mailboxes any 

(though note: it doesn't have group ACL support yet)

And FastMail has tons of development plans.  As I say in the blog post - if you 
want a say in the direction of the project, then get involved - post on the 
list, join the #cyrus channel, even come to our meetings.  We're focusing on 
the features that FastMail want (and CMU with Ken's work) because we're the 
ones paying for the developer time, but we're also building for everyone, so 
your needs won't be ignored if we know what they are...

Merry Christmas!


  Bron Gondwana
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