On Sun, 2015-11-01 at 14:40 +0100, Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 01.11.2015, 13:35 +0100 schrieb Marcus Schopen via
> Info-cyrus:
> > Hi,
> > globally in cyrus.conf delprune is set to
> > delprune    cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -E 1 -X 7 -D 7" at=0501
> > For a single mailbox I don't want to keep deleted mails for 7 days,
> > but
> > expire them immediately or once a day per cron. How to do that?
> Forogt to say that delete_mode and expunge_mode is set to delayed.
> Via cron this should work for an immediate cleanup/expire:

You can set an expire annotation per mailbox.  Downside is that I
believe the annotation will be 'inherited' but subordinate mailboxes;
which stinks for some use-cases.

> su - cyrus -c "/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -E 1 -X 0 -D 0 -v -p
> user.mailboxname"

FYI, I believe with the very latest Cyrus the "su -" is unnecessary as
it will automatically handle the context change when run as root.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awill...@whitemice.org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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