Hi -

I think you mean compare the actual mail spool to the contents of (on Arch)


Yes, as far as I can tell the subscription file contains only valid mail 
folders; however, I did notice that one of the mail subfolders starts 
with a number:

     user.djones.Archives Staff.1Amy Smith

Could this be causing the problem?

One point of confusion.  I've been using

    unixhierarchysep: yes

ever since I started using 2.4.17, but the entries in user/username.sub 
are still listed using "." as the separator?  What happens when a user 
has a "." in the mailbox folder name?

On 9/23/2015 12:25 AM, Konrad Mauz wrote:
> Am 22.09.2015 12:01, schrieb Patrick Goetz:
>> Upgrading from 2.4.17 to 2.5.3 resulted in ounixhierarchysepne very strange 
>> problem.
>> Some of the users have a large number of nested mail folders.  After the
>> upgrade, exactly one user found that some of his folders (say 3 out of
>> 30) are now inaccessible.  In Thunderbird they show up, but are greyed
>> out.  If you try to subscribe to the folder, the subscribe checkbox is
>> missing.  In roundcube they aren't visible at all.
> Hi Patrick,
> have you checked the contents of the subscription file for that user and
> if all the entries in the subscription file are really valid mailfolders?
> Regards,
> Konrad
>> This is pretty clearly a permissions problem of some kind.  The question
>> is how could this happen and what's the least painless way of going
>> about resetting the permissions so that he has access to these folders
>> again?
>> We're not doing anything fancy; for example, there are no shared
>> folders; independent email addresses are configured for shared mail
>> content and configured in the MUA.  The problem folders are in an
>> unshared account.
>> Also, the manifestation of the permissions problem isn't consistent
>> across the affected folders.  As reported by the user:
>> Archives Staff:  grayed out, cannot see email
>> Archives Staff Retreat:  not grayed out, cannot see email, when you
>> click on it, it says the action cannot be completed because the account
>> does not exist
>> General Convention Office:  not grayed out, can see email, when you
>> click on it, it says the action cannot be completed because the account
>> does not exist.
>> Thanks.
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