I would consider how many users you have connected as well as each type of 
device. If you are running some type of AS setup, each device will maintain an 
open connection and cause a process to happen. How many users?

- Paul

> On Sep 17, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Vladislav Kurz <vladislav.k...@webstep.net> 
> wrote:
>> On Thursday 17 of September 2015 Niels Dettenbach <n...@syndicat.com> wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015, 14:19:42 schrieb Sebastian Hagedorn:
>>>> Cyrus is running an a recently updated Ubuntu 14.04. lts server. Is
>>>> there anything I can do?
>>> we are still on 2.4.x, but we had a similar problem that we resolved this
>>> way:
>>>  imap          cmd="imapd -U 10" listen="imap.uni-koeln.de:imap"  ...
>> ...interesting to see that this happens on other Ubuntu systems as well - i
>> saw this on some Ubuntu systems (only on Ubuntu setups) in the past too,
>> without havin the option to dig in deeper what's happen there.
>> If someone has further investigation results or experiences about this,
>> this would be interesting...
> I have set "imapd -U 30", maxchild=400, and I see gradual grow up of process 
> numbers. Some instances are very long lived, (almost 3 months). In 
> /var/lib/cyrus/procs I can see that some users have about a dozen of 
> connections to the same mailbox/folder (trash is a favorite). And also quite 
> a 
> lot connections with no user associated. Thus from time to time (when I get 
> above 350 processes), I kill imapd processes with no user, or with duplicates 
> (same IP, same user). I just feel as if the -U option does not work well.
> Just to note, the number of processes is decreasing during night, but the max 
> and min values grow each day. I have a graph if someone is interested.
> -- 
> Best Regards
>        Vladislav Kurz
> ----
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