On 09/16/2015 01:33 PM, Patrick Goetz wrote:
So, I've been happily avoiding upgrading cyrus imap because everything
has been working and I'm generally in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix
it" category.

    Cyrus version: 2.4.17
    Perl version:  5.22.0

However, this morning I tried to create a new user using cyradm and got
a perl error message:

pgoetz@www:~$ cyradm --user administrator localhost
perl: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/auto/Cyrus/IMAP/IMAP.so: undefined symbol:

I'm running Arch linux, which aggressively updates software packages.
Apparently some Perl upgrade broke cyradm?

3 questions:

1. Does this mean I need to bite the bullet and upgrade my cyrus installs?

2. Is upgrading to 2.5.6 painless?  Should I just wait for 3.0?

3. Is there a workaround for cyradm not working for adding users?  I've
only ever used cyradm and have no idea how to add users otherwise.

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We use this simple perl script to add users. Fill in appropriate username and password.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use File::Basename;
use IMAP::Admin;

if ( 0 == scalar( @ARGV ) ) {
  die( "\n  Usuage: $0 userid\n");

$mailbox = "user.$ARGV[0]";
$username = "";
$password = "";

# Set this to the hostname of your IMAP server
$IMAPSERVER = "localhost";

# Main Code
# Login to IMAP server
$imap = IMAP::Admin->new('Server' => $IMAPSERVER,
                         'Login' => $username,
                         'Password' => $password,) || die "no go $! !";

print "Login: " . $imap->error . "\n";

# Add user
$add = $imap->create("$mailbox");

if ($add != 0) {
        print "Error: " . $imap->error . "\n";
else {
        print "$ARGV[0] added.\n";

# Close connection

<<attachment: boutilpj.vcf>>

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