Hi Cyrus

this "IOERROR" will also be reported if importing is aborted.  
"unexpected end of file"
is ab bit misleading in this case of message append via IMAP.

One reason can be malformed headers in the mail.
You can use telemetry logging to find the problematic message and the reason.

Quoting Paul Bronson <signaldevelo...@gmail.com>:

> Does anyone else have trouble importing a PST?
> I just connected up my cyrus to outlook 2013. Imported a PST (roughly 2k
> emails) and I go onto roudncube and only about 400 show up. I go back to
> Outlook and hit Update Folder, it sends up another 10;15 messages then dies
> again. I am seeing this in the logs:
>  imap[3588]: Expunged 1 messages from j...@domain.com
> and
> IOERROR: reading message: unexpected end of file
> Is there something wrong that I am missing or doing wrong?

M.Menge                                Tel.: (49) 7071/29-70316
Universität Tübingen                   Fax.: (49) 7071/29-5912
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung          mail:  
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