On 11/09/15 00:47, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015, at 21:51, Ken Murchison wrote:
>> On 09/09/2015 06:50 PM, John wrote:
>>> Quick questions:
>>> What is the format of a CalDAV URL for a virtual user (eg calendar
>>> Default at f...@example.com <mailto:f...@example.com>)?
>> I don't know if CalDAV works with virtdomains yet.  I didn't
>> explicitly add any code to handle it during initial development and I
>> haven't done any testing.
> Yeah, this works fine:
> /dav/calendars/user/f...@example.com <mailto:f...@example.com>/Default
> (for example)
> We added httpd_extradomain for users who aren't domain split yet, so
> our frontend proxy logs the user in as fred%example.com rather than
> just fred, and despite their mailbox being
> user.fred.#calendars.Default (no domain), the URL is
> /dav/calendars/user/f...@example.com <mailto:f...@example.com>/Default.
> This is all working in production.
>>> What is the format of a CalDAV URL for a shared calendar? How should
>>> a shared calendar be created (eg in cyradm)?
>> Shared calendars aren't supported yet as I don't know how best to
>> present them to clients to make them usable.
> At least at FastMail, we've got them working by putting them in a
> shared user and adding ACLs for everyone who needs to access them.
> One thing - we don't (yet) have support for cross domain sharing (not
> even with the hack above), so you can't share calendars between users
> in different domains.
> Bron.
Thanks, Bron. I'll give that all a try.

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